Author Topic: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012]  (Read 392728 times)

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2490 on: June 03, 2019, 01:19:45 am »

Offline 33rdKincaid

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“He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.”
Napoleon Bonaparte

Offline Dredd

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2493 on: June 03, 2019, 11:50:27 am »
 :-* :-[ :P

Offline Herishey

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2494 on: June 03, 2019, 12:28:03 pm »
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline Auror Davee

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2495 on: June 03, 2019, 12:34:30 pm »

Offline Ry@n

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2496 on: June 03, 2019, 01:15:14 pm »
 ;D :P :-*

Offline King_George

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2497 on: June 03, 2019, 03:27:29 pm »
 :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'(

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2499 on: June 03, 2019, 04:35:32 pm »
Bump for the 33rd!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  ;D

Offline Sir-Legion

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2500 on: June 03, 2019, 04:48:19 pm »
Bump for the 33rd!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  ;D
“He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.”
Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2501 on: June 03, 2019, 05:17:50 pm »
Consider it bumped young nick


Offline DarklingGames

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2502 on: June 03, 2019, 05:48:42 pm »

June 2019

The past month has been one of recognition for our staff efforts, many having been promoted for jobs well done! This wave of promotions saw four of our officers gazetted ranks, including two Captains and two new Ensigns. The NCO ranks of four Corporals and one serjeant were also appointed, we wish them luck in their new roles and thank them for their hard work over the last year. We continue to press on with 1v1 matches, claiming respectable scores in EIC, Cavalry and a win in another 60v60. The Competitive groupfighting team however take pride of place, with an identical set of scores to last month; 7 wins to 1 loss - well done to them and here's to a good June all!

Welcoming New, Experienced, Relaxed or Competitive  players - Enlist with the Duke of Wellingtons Own Today!

Roster Update

Regiment Roster

The Light Company  -  active service

The Light Company is a melee focused company, made up of not only 33rd veterans but also up and coming members looking to fight at a more competitive level. During events the Light company acts as a guarilla force, being able to take any enemy regiment one on one, whether it be a line, cav, or light force often utilising ambush tactics. The Lights are the most "Free" in terms of formation and rules of any company/class, They have no need to walk in line but instead can spread out to 5 man spaces and can take cover behind trees and rocks. Due to the flexibility required in game and being a limited number company, activity and skill are equally important when considering to apply to the Light company.

"The Pattern"   

CO's: 3
NCO's: 3
Enlisted: 15
Recruits: 2
Triallists: 0

(Spaces Available for Trial: 2)

The Cavalry Company  -  active service

The Cavalry Company is comprised of light cavalry, is versatile and acts as a support group during events. Due to our unique ability to move across the battle in a short space of time we are able to act as scouts to inform our fellow companies of potential threats and create ambushes, use hit and run tactics to disrupt and disorganize the enemy and use brute force engagements to remove threats and pin the enemy down. Our formations and method of fighting allow members to use their own initiative and skills whilst simultaneously working with fellow company members and remaining as one unit. Similarly to the Lights we are a limited number company so close teamwork, discipline and commitment are must have attributes.

"The Unfortunate Gentleman"

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 16
Recruits: 0
Triallists: 0

(Spaces Available for Trial: 5)

No.2 Centre  -  active service

The No.2 centre company "The Dukes Own" is one of the line companies of the 33rd and is also presently the default company, in to which most new members enlist - as such many new faces come and go from within their ranks. The majority of its members however represent a solid core of active players, familiar to each other and ranked Fusilier or above. The company upholds the core values of the regiment to a high standard, setting an example to the new members who enter the community of the regiment. Trainings and warm-ups are focused appropriately depending on the coming event by a highly experienced set of staff; these may consist of anything from basic melee techniques and groupfighting do's and dont's, to company drill in single or even double rank. You will find yourself welcome within the ranks of No.2 Company if you are mature, disciplined and have a good standard of melee  - or are willing to learn!

"The Dukes Own"

CO's: 3
NCO's: 5
Enlisted: 28
Recruits: 18

No.3 Centre Company  -  active service

The 33rd's No.3 Company "The KGL" joined the battalion in October 2017 and are commanded by Captain Kaiser. Their numbers have grown steadily since then and they have developed into a solid line company of the 33rd, able to act alone or in support of other companies. The companies single ranked drill is exemplary and their ability to square up to an enemy line 1 on 1 and fire effectively is well practiced! Its members have close ties, built up from experiences in prior NW regiments. During events the company teamspeak is relaxed and light-hearted banter encouraged, but kept balanced with a disciplined approach, when called for by its dedicated staff.

"The KGL"   

CO's: 1
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 23
Recruits: 5

No.8 Centre Company  - Reserves
"The Invalids"

Enlisted: 16

For Comprehensive Roster see here -

33rd Hosted Events

Event Schedule

Tuesday LOTR Campaign event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Lord of the Rings themed campaign style event;
each side take turns to attack territories and fight on specific maps (voted by teams)
Includes Battle, Conquest, Siege and Capture the Flag game modes.

Wednesday Conquest event
- 19:00GMT -
- 120-160 players -

Conquest with scripts to enforce conquest rules.
Alternates week on week with our Historical event.

Wednesday Monthly Historical Event
- 18:45GMT -
- 160-200 players -

Replaces our Wednesday Coqnuest event twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd wednesdays of each month.
A mix of Gameplay and Roleplay orientated rounds, to play out various historical scenarios in depth.

Saturday Line-only event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Line-only event using a range of Custom maps.
No FiC or RiC & OA is elligible for a revive.

Sunday Line Battle event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Event with a single slot of Lights & Cavalry on each team, with majority Lines.
No FiC or RiC & OA is elligible for a revive.

Internal Events & Trainings

Monday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
1v1 Match (EIC or Practice)
- 19:00GMT -
At present we always endeavour to have a 1v1 scheduled, be it an EIC match or just for practice.

Saturday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
Saturday New England Army Event (Mod)
- 20:00GMT -
Mod cycles each week, with an emphasis on Roleplay.

Wednesday Warm-ups
- 18:30GMT -
Training before Wednesday Event for every Company.
Sunday Warm-ups
- 18:30GMT -
Training before Sunday Event for every Company.

Competitive Matches & Groupfights
Arranged as and when by our Competetive Staff (commonly on Tuesdays)
- Add [33rd]Spoons, [33rd]OdaCao, [33rd]Kincaid or [33rd]Tylerus (Cav only) to arrange matches -


Competitive Update

Competitive update
Infantry Groupfights

Date           Team        Score      Vs         Details     

05-05-19       33rd       15-1       56e           9v9 
06-05-19       33rd       15-10     CZE           9v9
06-05-19       33rd       15-10     96y           10v10   
07-05-19       33rd       15-3       Haidamaks 6v6   
08-05-19       33rd       15-14     23rd          7v7 
19-05-19       33rd       15-10     RUS           6v6   
22-05-19       33rd       7-15       SWE          6v6   
29-05-19       33rd       15-1       ThugsCry   7v7 

        Monthly Total:   7 - 1

Regiment 1v1's

Date           Team        Score      Vs         Details     

20-05-19       33rd       5  -  5       56e         16v16 (EIC)
25-05-19       33rd       4  -  6       15ph       6v7 (Cavalry)
27-05-19       33rd       3  -  7       15thYR    18v18 (EIC)
26-05-19       33rd       3  -  1       k.k.         60v60 (Lines, Lights, Cav, Arty)

        Monthly Total:   1 - 1 - 2

Still has wednesday event link on LOTR event smh

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Re: 33rd Regiment of Foot - Founded [05/6/2012] *Largest EU Regiment!*
« Reply #2503 on: June 03, 2019, 06:31:52 pm »

Offline Carolus.

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