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Messages - Nappy Surena

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Events: NA / Re: Coalition Friday Campaign
« on: June 08, 2019, 08:16:10 pm »
Regiment name: 1er Régiment de Grenadiers à pied de la Garde impériale
Regiment leader and Steam Profile:
Average attendance:  10-15
Preferred Nation To Play As: France
Do you understand the rules?[Y/N]: Yes

League: 1
Server: Any
Teams: LG Vs 6te
Date & Time: Friday 06/07 8 EST
Steam Profiles:
Preferred Ref (if any): LG: Nappy 6te: Jakester

League: 1
Server: Any
Teams: LG Vs LIR
Date & Time: Saturday 06/08 9 EST
Steam Profiles:
Preferred Ref (if any): LG: Nappy LIR: Jakester

I may be able to do Friday but I'm not sure about Saturday

League: 1
Server: Any
Teams: IB vs LIR
Date & Time: Friday 06/07 9 EST
Steam Profiles:
Preferred Ref (if any): Moraine for IB, not sure for LIR

I go away for a week to visit my brother and everything goes to hell in NW. This is why I'm running for CR! KEEP NW ALIVE!
you may have been physically gone for a week but in terms of relevance you've been gone for years


why is vb tryna melee stack in league 2 l0l
No melee stack here we're shite
Imagine calling the VB a melee stack. You must be delusional.

Pedro really left the 1aSvea and rejoined just to get banned from NANWL LMAOOOO
as Pedro says. Disbanded.

Since league 1 and 2 have the same regiments left shouldn’t league 2 do two matches also? Just wondering

It's a bit late for that imo the bracket would have to be completely redone

League: L1
Server: Any Chicago one
Teams: LG vs 1aSvea
Date & Time: Saturday 25th of May @ 9pm est
Steam Profiles: &
Preferred Ref (if any): Gluk and Nappy

League: L2
Server: Chicago
Teams: 51st Vs Hre
Date & Time: Saturday 25th @ ~9pm est
Steam Profiles: [51st] Kuni HRE Capone on steam
Preferred Ref (if any): No piktones hre request and I agree would like Glenn,Nappy,Risk,Russian

I can take one of these, can't take any matches on friday


41st 7 - 3 1erEtr

Referee: Midnight/Harper (Never showed).

Overall it was a rather clean match. A few bits of FoL and FoC from both sides but very little and minimal. Had to change from the first map on the server but found an acceptable map not long afterward. It was a pleasure reffing for the 41st but I can't say the same for the 1erEtr.
I wanted to compliment Glenn and Nappy on their admining that first match, it was pretty great save for that retarded Reset after I "ramboed". Comeback Season

"It was a pleasure reffing for the 41st but I can't say the same for the 1erEtr." probably because you sucked ass. You didn't change the map, never made them drop, never slayed fire and charge, and once again you were the ONLY admin managing that match. There is supposed to be 2 admins per match. I honestly wasn't going to complain about his admining but after that sly remark I kind of thought he warranted it. also here is some proof: (At least two incidences).

The reset wasn't because you ramboed, the reset was because KUNI ramboed.

League: L2
Server: Dallas or Chi
Teams: 51st vs 1erETR
Date & Time: Saturday 5/11/19 @ ~8pm est
Steam Profiles: &
Preferred Ref (if any): Jakester, Jolly, Unitater or Papabean only pls

Only this one that I know of.

So big regiments should be L1 not “skilled” regiments


So HRE should be league 1?

1erGren numbers..not League numbers..

15e like only have ghostrider for a good meleer now so it’s probably right to make them league 2

Oh also they have that unit Jolly who bangs his sister and does pullups on cam so they aren’t COMPLETELY dead

1erGren is league 1 material due to them having nappy sanders redviper and a few other old boys which would probably allow them to insta win league 2. They at the very least can match LIR.

I only wrote half of my post to be serious so I could post the results of my poll without my post being deleted by risk btw


Here we can see an overwhelming amount of people vote that they aren’t a (((Manlet)))

I think this in general is correct but also most manlets wouldn’t opt to vote in a poll like this while people in danger of dropping into the Manlet category have more incentive to vote. For this reason I think the actual ratio of Manlet to normie in the nw community is probably closer to a 30-50-20 for Manlet-normie-lanklet


Thank you for participating in this week’s research study

Next time we explore the racial demographics

risk was here

Matching one regiment isn't the same as matching every regiment in League 1, this isn't a matter of skill currently
this is a matter of numbers.

Amit I brought up Season 5 as a example because of the fact that there hasn't been justice for it. I said they had similar evidence with people admitting they did it, others accounting for it with their stories & one video to prove it. I only brought up the S5 incident because of how similar they were from how I saw it & thought if they both are getting banned then 91st should be punished aswell. I believe Oatmeal shouldn't of got punished that bad (3-5 game suspension) for tking when it was the 91st's fault for not accounting for every member to make sure that they were 91st players. If 91st actually checked each member before the match to make sure every member was theirs then the whole Oatmeal & MATT thing wouldn't of happened in the first place. Sure what they both did was wrong and they both should be punished. However, part of the blame must be on the 91st Officer Core for not doing a good job for accounting for their members which is like I wish their punishments was shortened. Of course it is going to be hard to convince people that the "rumors" were true since it happens 3 seasons ago. When it was rumors after that match was over none of the mods bother to check the server logs at the time to confirm if it was true or not (Not sure why they didn't). Of course Bean didn't want to make the call S6 because it would seem bias but I hope Russian would actually want to try and do one more investigation on it. I can still play NWL Amit & not accept the 91st winning S5.

The only people that would have the actual right (though not really) to change that outcome are the three that moderated
that season. I can't speak for Windflower but at that time Cheesey didn't give me access to the logs for the NANWL server and even then I don't remember hearing of these rumors until a couple of weeks after

I've talked with Amit before and he's right, though there are screenshots of players there's nothing solid like a screenshot of the teamspeak and never will be. 91st won that league no matter who does or doesn't like it. And even if you try to use this past Incident as ammunition for the Matt and Oatmeal ordeal, There are several differences We didn't know we were playing them as we just stopped using historical names and they already had tags on the teamspeak giving us no reason to question them, (Which is partly our fault I admit) Second noticeable difference there were actual logs of this Incident and we had GUIDs to go from and more proof to work from, as I stated earlier I had no access to NANWL server logs though that could've changed at just asking Cheesey, however I saw no reason to have them at that point as the season was already over.

There's more proof to go off of this situation and going back to S5 drama isn't going to change the current outcomes

However, placing the whole blame on an officer corp is Idiotic unless they knew who the smurfs actually were during the match. Sure, 91st officer corp wasn't completely blameless but it's the job of the Referees to ensure the people are playing are actual members no matter what time they came into the match.

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: NA Open 3v3 Tournament
« on: April 23, 2019, 04:23:18 am »
Team Name: 45e
Players (1 Sub Max): Surena, Pinoy, Wall, Sub: Gavin
Leader's Steam profile:
Do you agree to the rules above?: yes

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