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Messages - Mr.Aztecas

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 9
Events: EU / Re: ♞ Cavalry Battle [27th January]
« on: January 24, 2017, 06:34:06 pm »
Sorry, but we want unsubscribe from this event.
Good Luck =)

Regiment name : 8° Reggimento Lancieri di Montebello
Preferred Nation : Prussia
Troop/Class : Cav
Amount Attending : 8/12
Steam name :
Weekly or Once? : weekly

Events: EU / Re: 2eFusGre Wednesday Event [Need Lines and Lights]
« on: January 24, 2017, 06:18:43 pm »
Regiment Name: 8° Reggimento Lancieri di Montebello
Unit type: Line Infantry
Number: 8-12
One time or weekly: Once for now
Leaders steam id:
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules: Yep

Nom du régiment / Regiment's name: 8° Reggimento Lancieri di Montebello
Nombre de joueurs présents / Players expected: 8/12
Classe jouée / Played class: Cav (lancers) for siege as Light if possible
Steam du/des leader(s) du régiment / Leaders steam ID: You have it
Avez-vous lu et accepté les règles de l'event ? / Have you read and accepted the rules ? yep
Mode de jeu (Siège? Conquest? Line battle? les trois?) : / Mode of play (Siege? Conquest? Line battle? three?): Siege and Conquest

Regiment Name: 8° Reggimento Lancieri di Montebello
Regiment Leader's/Representatives Steam:
Class applying for: Line Infantry
Numbers attending: 8/12
Would you like to sign up weekly?: Once for now
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?: Yes

Events / Re: New England Army Saturday Event
« on: January 18, 2017, 12:28:46 pm »
There is some free slot for saturday 21th?

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Historical Event - Austerlitz - 11/01/17 [EU]
« on: January 12, 2017, 06:49:23 pm »
Beautiful Event when is the next :P?

Events: EU / Re: ♞ Cavalry Battle ♞ [16 December]
« on: December 16, 2016, 06:59:05 pm »
We are sorry but the 8rgt can't come because we don't have enough players tonight.

Events / Re: New England Army Saturday Event
« on: December 15, 2016, 05:09:17 pm »
Regiment name:35th Regiment of Foot
Regiment representative Steam link:
Expected attendance: 10-12
Do you agree on the rules?:Yep.

Events / Re: New England Army Saturday Event
« on: December 14, 2016, 03:26:04 pm »
Regiment name:35th Regiment of Foot (The first and only of this mod )

Regiment representative Steam link:
Expected attendance: 10-12
Do you agree on the rules?:Yep.

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / 8° Reggimento Lancieri Montebello
« on: December 07, 2016, 12:11:57 am »
8° Reggimento Lancieri di Montebello

Il reggimento venne costituito il 16 settembre 1859 a Voghera come cavalleggeri di Montebello. Il nome deriva dalla Battaglia di Montebello del 20 maggio 1859, nella quale i franco-piemontesi sconfissero gli austriaci nel quadro della seconda guerra d'indipendenza.
Già nel 1860 il reggimento passò alla specialità lancieri, assumendo il nome che porta ancora oggi.
Il Reggimento nasce da membri veterani del gioco con l'obbiettivo di divertirsi tutti insieme con nuove uniformi, reskin e altro.
Ricopriamo i ruoli di cavalleria ( lancieri principalmente) e fanteria leggera.

Gerarchia Lancieri di Montebello
Sergente Maggiore
Caporale Maggiore

Forum - Contatti Steam

Events: EU / Re: Wednesday - 51st Line battle ~ lights, cav available
« on: November 23, 2016, 07:17:22 pm »
Regiment Name: 8° Reggimento Lancieri di Montebello
Class: Cav
Detachment/Regiment leader steam name/link:
Expected attendance:8-12
Weekly/one off:weekly
Read and agreed to the rules[:/b]Yes

Events: EU / Re: ♞ Cavalry Battle ♞ [7th October]
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:48:58 pm »
Regiment Name : 8° Reggimento Lancieri di Montebello
Preferred Faction : Russia
Class : Lancers
Expected Attendance :  8-12
Do you wish to come fortnightly: Yes
Steam ID (provide a link please) :

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: November 21, 2016, 01:54:38 pm »
Regiment Name: 8° Reggimento Lancieri di Montebello
Preferred Faction: Russia
Preferred Class: Line, if possible Light Infantry
Expected Attendance: 8 - 10
Steam name: Mr.Aztecas
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

Leaders Steam Name:
Estimated Attendance: 6-8
Name of the Clan: 8° Reggimento di Lancieri di Montebello
Have you read all of the Rules?: Yep
Do you have our Team Speak Bookmarked?:  Yes
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Regular Attedance or Not: Once for now
Class: Cav
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes

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