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Messages - Stanislav

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 13
will 87th be able to follow rules?

Regiment Name: 1tes Preußisches Marine-Bataillon (links will follow)
Regiment Leaders (Links are required): Stanislav   Juli   DerSpartaner
Regimental Referee (At least 1): will follow
Regiment Steam Group: We just have an Steam-Chat
Regiment Roster (With GUID's):
Matx: 1119777
Spartaner: 1188854
Corvus: 936137
woleiz: 1895880
Juli: 1089064
Calypto: 768518
Andy: 1128046
Bubble: 943123
Malax: 1201759
Michi: 1819824
Luki: 2191845
Kampf: 1603716
Studios: 397305
Conrad: 1209861
Killer: 1536615
Catboy: 2093765
Svenja: 882196
Blee: 1337761
Hartmann: 69142
Krieger: 912648

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: 5v5 Tournament | 10th September
« on: September 08, 2023, 10:49:56 pm »
Team name: 1tes[MB]
Captain Steam link (required):
Player 1 - Studios - 397305
Player 2 - Matx - 1119777
Player 3 - Juli - 1089064
Player 4 - Bubble - 943123
Player 5 - Dodobird - 936137
Player 6 - Ragn4r - 634873
Player 7 - Kampf - 1603716
Player 8 - Pio - 1762964

Have you read and agreed to the rules, including the rules that ban players from any national team from any year? yes, i think so

(Players will follow, we have to decide who will go)

Liest sich großartig! Da werden auch wir ein Landungsboot schicken

Full Regiment name: 1tes Preußisches Marine-Bataillon
Regiment Tag name ingame:1tes[MB]
Expected Attendance: -10
1st Officer Steam Link:
(2nd Officer Steam Link:)
per Month or Once?: Monthly

European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Teams and Sign-Ups Season 4
« on: December 16, 2022, 06:13:55 pm »
Team Name: 1tes MB

Transfer IN:

1337761 Blee

Transfer OUT:


European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Teams and Sign-Ups Season 4
« on: October 26, 2022, 05:06:42 pm »
Team Name: 1tes[MB]
Team Captain (Steam Link required): Stanislav -
Team Captain2 (Steam Link required): Spartaner -
Did you read all the rules and accept them?: yes
Are you applying for League 1 or League 2: 2
Team Logo (Required):
Roster (IDs/Nations required, 8 max(9 for League 2):

292786  Stanislav
1188854  Spartaner
397305  StudioS
1089064  Juli
1959761  Eierdieb
1128046  Andy
936137  Corvus
768518  Calypto
1201759  Malax

European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Teams and Sign-Ups Season 4
« on: October 25, 2022, 06:11:44 pm »
Team Name: 1tes[MB]
Team Captain (Steam Link required): Stanislav -
Team Captain2 (Steam Link required): Spartaner -
Did you read all the rules and accept them?: yes
Are you applying for League 1 or League 2: 2
Team Logo (Required):
Roster (IDs/Nations required, 8 max(9 for League 2):

292786  Stanislav
1188854  Spartaner
397305  StudioS
1089064  Juli
1959761  Eierdieb
1128046  Andy
936137  Corvus
768518  Calypto
1201759  Malax

No Idea how to use this little flaggs. But we all are germans and austrians.

European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Teams and Sign-Ups Season 4
« on: October 24, 2022, 07:07:47 pm »
Team Name: 1tes[MB]
Team Captain (Steam Link required): Stanislav -
Team Captain2 (Steam Link required): Spartaner -
Did you read all the rules and accept them?: yes
Are you applying for League 1 or League 2: 2
Team Logo (Required):
Roster (IDs/Nations required, 8 max(9 for League 2):

292786  Stanislav
1188854  Spartaner
397305  StudioS
1089064  Juli
1959761  Eierdieb
1128046  Andy
936137  Corvus
768518  Calypto
1201759  Malax

Regiment Name: 1tes Preußisches Marine Bataillon
Preferred Nation: UK
Preferred Class: Everything
Estimated Attendance: 8-10
Contact Steam ID:   1tes[MB]Stanislav
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Re: Noch was los hier?
« on: June 04, 2022, 01:21:43 am »
1tes MB ist immer da!^^ (Wir spielen zwar auch GF und ich selbst liebe 1v1) Aber wir spielen 3 Linebattles die Woche, Normales LB, Flaggspawn und Siege.

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Re: NW Cartoon Projekt [GER]
« on: April 05, 2022, 05:38:47 pm »
Wo ist denn da die Marine zu finden?

Regimenter / Re: 2. Leib - Regiment [03.06.2016] *Rekrutiert*
« on: March 17, 2022, 10:45:19 pm »
wiedermal GG und nen Salutschuss per Backbord!

Ganz spontan heute 21 Uhr!

Landwehr Koalition  vs.  1tes MB

Wann: Heute

Uhrzeit: 21 Uhr

Ref: Gesucht!

Wir wurden zerstört^^

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Re: NW Cartoon Projekt [GER]
« on: February 17, 2022, 03:12:11 pm »
oke, den versteh ich nich^^

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