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Messages - Bagins

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Could probably pull the Brits on for this, hit me up on Steam if it gets any traction.

The Mess Hall / Re: Python's Evaluation
« on: September 18, 2023, 10:42:06 pm »
"I'll only be doing a few groupfights on Sundays"

European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Discussion
« on: October 19, 2022, 09:32:23 pm »
Reaps been deleting my ATS announcements even though I made the last one with Giorno and Gibby in the channel as closing thoughts for jokes!

Are you serious?? You were acting like a child (26 year old man btw) posting announcements about your little cringe vendetta on banning a client when the vast majority of the admin team was for it at the time?

Reminder that Fietta made 3 announcements without the admin team and all of them got deleted 🤣🤣

Nice attempt to obfuscate, but you haven't actually said anything of value yet.

That was as cringe as my posts I also seem to gain years apparently the more I post

In a lot of cases, especially baiting, you'll be looking down and shit, so you'll be able to do it easier, Fralla's video showed a couple of examples where this has helped. It's also not 'a bit behind' it's quite noticeable considering the already lowish FOV the base game has. You're talking about 'more utlity', if you mean performance as the only utility then yes. I've actually heard people uninstall it as it's provided negative effects on their game (I'm looking at you smallest), and from my new personal experience, the effects have been negligible. I think people should start fixing their PCs rather than band-aiding their games.

I made this reply though

The vast majority of people have benefitted from the client. In fact, why not leave it to a vote and decide whether the community wants it?

You literally have a great PC which most of the community don't have. Imagine complaining you don't get any benefits when you are in the top 1% of PC specifications in this game.

come ts gf

European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Discussion
« on: October 19, 2022, 09:29:14 pm »
Fietta shut up

European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Teams and Sign-Ups Season 4
« on: October 15, 2022, 01:49:12 pm »
Team Name: Renegades
Team Captain (Steam Link required): Bagins
Designated Team Recorder: Voluble/Gibby/HiReaper
Did you read all the rules and accept them?: Yes
Are you applying for League 1 or League 2?: 1
Team Logo (Required):
Roster (IDs/Nations required, 8 max(9 for League 2):

1978524 HiReaper
278973 Gibby
882294 Bagins
432603 PD
2226206 Cody
976879 Voluble
816873 Blacktham
503145 Golden

Autumn Tournament Series / Re: ATS | Draft Tournament | 18.09
« on: September 06, 2022, 10:59:55 pm »
Player Name: Bagins -
Did you read all the rules and accept them?: Yes
Player ID: 882294

The Mess Hall / Re: New-Gen Points [NGP] Update 05/09
« on: September 06, 2022, 10:26:09 pm »
Tier 1 is Tier 1 not top 10 who even are the bottom 4 again?

+ Golden

Team Name: Renegades
Team Captain (Steam Link required):
Did you read all the rules and accept them?: yes
Are you applying for League 1 or League 2?: League 1
Roster (IDs/Nations required):
ID Roster
882294 Bagins England
278973 Gibby England
1978524 Hireaper  England
128 Steinmann Sweden
372274 Giorno England
2226206 Cody England
503145 Golden Ireland

Team Name: Renegades
Team Captain (Steam Link required):
Did you read all the rules and accept them?: yes
Are you applying for League 1 or League 2?: League 1
Roster (IDs/Nations required):
ID Roster
882294 Bagins England
278973 Gibby England
1978524 Hireaper  England
128 Steinmann Sweden
372274 Giorno England
2226206 Cody England
503145 Golden Ireland

The Mess Hall / Re: M. Points | 23.07 | MASSIVE UPDATE
« on: July 23, 2022, 11:54:02 pm »
Why is it always the same group of people posting paragraphs after these updates and lists come out.... -_-

gg, nice new strat to see from Snappers, was an interesting one to figure out but we got there.

Well played to Tzo that was an enjoyable match.

might as well be, you are nothing without me

Team Name: Renegades
Team Captain: Bagins
Captain's Steam (Link required):
ID Roster
Bagins / 882294
Gibby / 278973
Blitzkreig / 1691357
Hireaper / 1978524
Steinmann / 128
Giorno / 372274
Cody / 2226206
Normanguy / 69044
Player 9 / GUID

Do you accept the rules?: yes

Captain Name: Bagins
Teamname: Renegades
Steam ID:
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
ID Roster
Bagins / 882294
Gibby / 278973
Blitzkreig / 1691357
Hireaper / 1978524
Steinmann / 128
Giorno / 372274
Cody / 2226206
Normanguy / 69044
Player 9 / GUID


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