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Topics - Flaps

Pages: 1
Community / Flaps Signature Factory - Accepting Requests -
« on: March 09, 2013, 08:03:29 pm »
Example Work:


FULL-Name of Regiment:
Any certain image you would like me to use on the signature or do you want me to choose one?:

Servers / NA 1 Ping
« on: March 09, 2013, 07:20:54 pm »
So weirdly some times in Morning i get good ping on NA 1 but some times at Afternoon (not really) or night (most time) i get like 90-100 ping but on other servers that are NA i get like 40-60 ping whats deal is it just me or is it like a ping problem?

NOTE: this doesnt happen all time but some times it does.

Pages: 1