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Topics - Ruler

Pages: 1
Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / New Year Draft Tournament
« on: December 22, 2022, 09:21:13 pm »

Welcome to the official thread of Ruler’s, Chuckster and Coco Draft Teams Tournament Series. There weren't any proper draft tournaments for some times so here it goes FINALLY. We are really committed of making this tournament as professional as possible. If you wish to join me and help to shape this tournament, you can add me on steam (links are further down below on this thread). We aren’t making a limit for sign up and for the number of teams for the moment and the format will be depending on the sign-ups. The tournament will unfold following the traditional group stage followed by a single-elimination bracket. If you are interested in participating in this tournament, please leave an application below. The point of the tournament is to give equal chances to balance teams for cpt and so having teams balance more or less. The pick order will be decide depending of the cpt skill and will change every time. Good luck and thanks for reading!

Event Date and Time : 15th of January at 8:00pm GMT
Sign-up Deadline       : 7th of January at 11:59pm GMT
Draft date                 : 8th of January at 8pm GMT

General rules
1. Melee speed will be medium
2. Bayonet players must use the Line Infantry class
3. Stay in Spectator while not playing a match (REQUIRED)
4. Group-Stage matches will be ft5, Knockout and Bronze matches will be ft7 (single elimination) and Finals will be ft10
5. Cheating, Coloured musket texture packs are prohibited
6. You must sign-up with your community name
7. ID MUST be provided. Players with IDs missing won't be allowed to play.
Matches rules
1. Once a match has been called, each team has ~2 minutes to get ready.
2. Once typed 'r' and the referee has said 'go', the round CAN NOT be voided.
3. In any case of a server crash/map change if it is to happen, then all current rounds WILL be VOIDED.
4. Each player in your team must play some rounds in each match. During the Groupstages, it'll be a minimum of 2 rounds, Playoff will be a minimum of 3 rounds and the finals will be 4 rounds. If the opposing teams have fewer players than you e.g. you have 7 and they have 6 at this point you may not play 1 of your players as the team with the higher amount.
Roster rules
1. You must respect roster deadline, after that, not a single change will be allowed.
2. Roleplaying nicknames are allowed (as long as the captain provides them in roster update).

Admins :
- Chuckster
- Coco
- Ruler

Captain Application Teamplate

[b]Steam Link (required):[/b]
[b]Where you from (Country):[/b]
[b]Did you read the rules?:[/b]
[b]Your previous experience as captain? (At least one valid example):[/b]

Player Application Teamplate

[b]Steam Link (required):[/b]
[b]Where you from (Country):[/b]

Referee Application Teamplate

[b]Steam Link (required):[/b]
[b]Your previous experience as referee? (At least one valid reason):[/b]

Groupfighting Teams / BlackKnights [Reforming !]
« on: October 04, 2022, 11:16:15 am »

| ~Ruler~

| Catastrophe
| BlackBeard
| Winter
| Salogas
| Tomppa
| Domi
| DarkBG
| Lempo

Pages: 1