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Messages - Theophilos

Pages: 1 2
For me, listening to 2nd for an extended period of time seems to become eventually unbearable. I think it is I cannot listen to the same singer for a very long time, or I am used to listening to a variety of singers with these older songs from phonographs. I sometimes also find all the accompaniment a little too much, but it is just personal tastes. I will probably do as I usually do when playing, simply have a youtube playlist or other playlist from the national archives jukebox

As I am busy till tomorrow I cant help but I'll try to see if I can get an admin on for you

ok thanks, and yes the problem is the defenders do not have a life limit, it simply has a respawn timer of about 30 seconds but it does not mention any lives left and one can die any number of times, for example i died about 9 times defending in a round




You were banned for joining the server and spamming the chat non stop.

Going to unban you, should be able to rejoin within the hour.

Be sure to reread the rules as to not be banned again.  That means don't troll the server or the people in it.

oh the "USA USA USA" thing... oops :p happy 4th!

Servers / Re: Napoleonic_Roleplay_Server
« on: July 06, 2014, 12:02:12 am »
this is a good server


hopefully this will help you find out the terrible deeds I have done  ;D

Find a server called NA groupfighting

Press L after you join. Find the guid. Write that number down. This is your id

Update your post

OK i went there and pressed L, but i dont understand what you mean by find the guide lol


oh oops i just typed it in chat lol ok i will try again

Name under which you were banned - I am not sure, since I was not banned while playing.
Server(s) you are banned from: NW_Official_NA_1
What was happening when you got banned: Don't know I wasn't banned while playing.
Time and date: Don'y know I wasn't banned while playing. Although I have only started playing again in the past week or so.
Timezone: central standard time
User Identification Number  291065

Anyway, I logged in today and could not join the NW battle server. Don't know why. I don't remember doing anything bad. Worst I can think of is joining game as President_Obama, and then President_Hillary, then Hillary_Bengaza, then back to Theophilos. that was i think two days ago but im not sure. But two admins were online there and they did not seem to mind and talked to me just normal.

Historical Discussion / Re: Best wartime propoganda?
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:25:24 pm »
Not really propaganda for the war, but it is a staple example of Nazi propaganda

You can even see the actors which portray jews, make their mouths  twitch like a rat showing the front teeth

Actually, we watched in in my US high school class (college course). (this was a teacher which actually cared about history, he could have been a professor but taught high schoolers normal high school history classes and college classes)

(sorry the link with youtube is not working so have to click the link)

They said that if it is still broken they wont be able to fix it till after they are done going on vacation (so like a week or something) (or was it, at the end of the week?)


just before the round ends, you can see that no one is spawned and the round still goes.


at the end of the round, I got kicked like this, although when reentering people said i was the only one kicked.




still no spawning.

vote for new map:


still no spawning:


please use spoilers around images, makes it a lot easier to see and quicker to load :)

apologies, i did not know how to do it i will try to do it now


just before the round ends, you can see that no one is spawned and the round still goes.


at the end of the round, I got kicked like this, although when reentering people said i was the only one kicked.




still no spawning.

vote for new map:


still no spawning:


AFter the patch, I have been able to find 1 commander battle server with people. I joined, but it seems commanderb attle is no longer working. One would click to play a faction, but you would just stay dead and no one ever spawned, with the round going without any players spawned/alive/nobots. everyone in the server had this same problem, and simply left

did the patch break commander battles? anyone able to do command battle since the patch? where is the bug report section

Servers / Re: 15th Humans vs Bots Server
« on: July 22, 2013, 10:33:43 pm »
I made a post in the taleworld forum but not sure if yo uare supposed to post here or there, so i will post it here too.

Dear moderators of this server,

you really should disable cav, the bots are simply too stupid to figure out how to kill them effectively and waste their bullets. telling them to melee just has them round in circles trying to catch up to the 10 cav always running around at all times. it is the most frustrating thing when commanding the bots, it is already hard enough for bots to win!


I was banned from the server today, but was not given a reason at all. but anyway, no admin was there and there were about 13 bot commanders, so I played the human side. I noticed though that an engineer spammed planks on one of the bridges, making the bots never get through and just glob there. so I switched sides, and went engineer to simply blow up those planks so the bots could get through. the 13 bot commanders were too busy riding horses to actually care about gettting the bots to work properlyit seemed... (while running to blow up those planks, an admin finally logged in and was switching people, so I tried to get there as fast as I could to clear it up before i was switched back) ((also, when I spawned I noticed another engineer just blew up about 10 explosives at spawn, and half way there only had 20 build points left so I was hoping I could also get there in time before he splent the last of the points) I was able to get the three explosives off and set free the bots, but was banned right after without warning.

could a moderator please explain what I did wrong? or unban me?

it was the map with two near identical wooden forts, where you have to go over one of the two side bridges to get to the other. a sapper at some point blocked an entire bridge with two rows of planks neck high, which made all the bots blob there. i felt i should blow them up with exposives, because what fun is there to have half the bots not even working properly? and to destroy the planks manually would have taken literally the entire round

the name is "Theophilos" and it occured about 3:00 CST

one more thing, the bots were not hurt by the explosives as far as I can tell, friendly fire is off and none died

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