Author Topic: Red and Blue 1936-1939 Campaign  (Read 8686 times)

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Offline Yebenoso

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Red and Blue 1936-1939 Campaign
« on: August 06, 2019, 01:18:56 am »
Red and Blue 1936-1939

The RaB staff has been working in a very interesting project that I’m sure you’ll enjoy 1 year after the  Red and Blue version 3release and New Patch .

This project consists in a persistent SCW campaign where we will get to rewrite history! There will be a detailed map representing the situation of the War since 18 July 1936 with an array of units representing some of it’s real-life counterparts. You will get to play as each of them, decide its movements, strategies and fight their battles to decide the fate of Spain.

This is a tiny thread to present the campaign. Every info and details can be found in Red and Blue Official Discord

To participate:

-Read Rules and Ruleset (posted in channel #info )

For the campaign out-game

For the campaign events in-game

DISCLAIMER: These events will not replace the normal events so don’t worry about that.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 02:47:45 pm by Yebenoso »
"El amigo ha de ser como la sangre, que acude luego a la herida sin esperar a que le llamen"

Francisco Quevedo