Battle Cry of Freedom > Regiments (Game Clans)

1st Company the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry


第 20 缅因志愿步兵团成立于 1862 年 8 月。由沃伦的埃利斯·斯皮尔招募的成员包括来自缅因州中部海岸林肯县和萨加达霍县的农民、渔民、商人、伐木工和学生。这个 1000 人的团在几周内就完成了装备和训练,并被分配到波托马克军团第五军。 1862 年,他们在弗雷德里克斯堡经历了战火的洗礼,随后参加了波托马克军团的每一次重大战役。
他们的成名一战便是在葛底斯堡战役第二天的小圆顶防御战中。在那里,在约书亚·劳伦斯·张伯伦上校的指挥下,235 名“缅因人”奉命“坚持到最后”,抵御了 600 多名决心从左翼转向联邦军的阿拉巴马人的猛攻。战斗非常激烈,意志坚定的阿拉巴马人不断发起进攻,随后发生了肉搏战。最后,当他们的弹药几乎耗尽之时,便毫不犹豫地装上刺刀,冲下山去,向惊慌失措的南方军发起冲锋。这种绝望而勇敢的举动彻底压倒了阿拉巴马人。小小的缅因第20军团的指挥官是一位“教授出身的士兵”,在美国领土上发生的规模最大、最重要的战斗中,他们以压倒性的优势,将联邦军队的极左翼置于几乎不可能的境地。游戏中我们作为其团下属的第一连队,必定会传承其英勇无畏的精神。欢迎大家加入我们。
军团名称:1st Company the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry
The 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry was formed in August 1862. Recruited by Ellis Speer of Warren, the members included farmers, fishermen, merchants, loggers, and students from Lincoln and Sagadaho counties on Maine's mid-coast. The 1,000-man regiment was equipped and trained within weeks and assigned to Fifth Corps of the Army of the Potomac. They fought at Fredericksburg in 1862 and fought in every major battle of the Army of the Potomac Their first battle of fame was the defense of Little Round Dome on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg. There, under the command of Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, 235 "Maines" were ordered to "hold out to the end" against an onslaught of more than 600 Alabamians determined to turn from the left to the Union Army. The fighting was fierce, with the determined Alabamians continuing to attack, and hand-to-hand combat ensued. Finally, when their ammunition was almost running out, they fixed their bayonets without hesitation and rushed down the mountain to charge the panicked Confederates. This desperate and courageous act completely overwhelmed the Alabamians. The commander of the tiny 20th Maine Regiment was a "professor-turned-soldier" who overwhelmingly put the extreme left of the Union Army in an almost impossible situation in the largest and most important battle ever to take place on American soil. In the game, we, as the first company under its regiment, will definitely inherit its heroic and fearless spirit. Everyone is welcome to join us.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Stefan via email , address:


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