Author Topic: DLS S1 | Rules  (Read 562 times)

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Offline Herishey

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DLS S1 | Rules
« on: September 24, 2020, 05:56:22 pm »

See below a list of rules, we have decided on a best of 10 format instead of first to 7 because we want draws to be possible.

1. Be respectful! Even if you may have been insulted leave the punishments to the organizers. Sent them evidence in form of screenshots or videos. They will then decide how to punish the offenders.
2. Line infantry only! No guards, sailors, officers or any other type of unit that differs from standard line infantry.
3. Melee speed has to be on "Medium"
4. The duels will be best of 10 and all 10 duels have to be played!
5. Win = 3 points, Tie = 1 point, Loss = 0 Points
6. A maximum of (?) players per league will be allowed into the tournament at first and possibly later expanded.
7. There will be three(?) leagues of (?) players each.
8. Each contestant has to face each other opponent in his league once!
9. The player who accumulates the most points in his leagues wins his league. If he is in League 1 he will be crowned "Europe Champion of the Season", the winner of League 2, the runner up and the third will automatically be given slots in the first league and those who came in last, second to last and third to last in the first league will be moved down into the second league. The player who came in fourth in the second league and the player who came in fourth last in the first league will then have a relegation match for who receives the slot in the first league. This duel will be fought with the same rules as all others. The winner will receive the last free slot in League 1 the loser will be put into League 2 or League 3 depending.
10. The deadline by which the players must have completed all their duel is the 3rd of May. If they fail to do so the matches not played will be counted as a loss for both players. If evidence shows that one opponent was trying to arrange a duel and the other simply did not show up or declined any organization of a duel, the player trying will be awarded the win.
11. Duels can be played in any server as long as both opponents agree on the server and the server is set on "Medium". If they cannot find a server the 3rdFG Server will be used to duel. The password will be given to you by the organizers.
12. After having dueled the opponents have to take a screenshot of the score and send it to the organizers. If no evidence is brought forward then it will be counted as a loss for both players. There are no referees so it is up to you to take screenshots and make sure that your score is properly brought to the organizers.
13. If anyone tries to falsify scores or break rules in any other way, the organizers will decide on how to punish them which can range from a warning to a kick from the tournament.
14. You organize the dates and times of your duels yourself within the given time
15. If a player is seen playing overly passive e.g. only blocking and delaying the duel they may suffer a penalty.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 09:47:03 pm by Herishey »
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.