Author Topic: Sunday OC [5pm WA / 7pm NSW/ 9pm NZ] MOV public Field Battle - NW since 2012  (Read 2609 times)

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  • First Sergeant
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  • Nick: 10thRM_Captain_HIKKUPZ
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                              Men Of Valor OC Sunday Public Field Battle

video of formations and auto admin used on MOV_NA+_AU events 

link to the MOV_NA public  Field Battle FSE

                      Hosted by the 10th Royal Marines formed July 14th 2012
"Baron_Baanus: no i dont find it hard to believe, the first thing people like HIKKUPZ do when they come from a low socioeconomic substance abusing culture is to form a pact forged with reassurance and belonging based on manipulation through a series of closeness with abuse thrown in.  Its like the beaten wife syndrome, sure you know its wrong and don't always like it, but you wont leave."

  Thank you with all my heart for banning me in 2012 from LCC/Glovine/NW_Official_AUS in 2012-you made the community better overall with us hosting

Men Of Valor Discord
Public players join the discord to find a regiment or play alongside the 10th Royal Marines
Held 1hr 30-1hr 45 minutes early to allow for "existing events & password reveals"   
Minimum of 3-5 soldiers attending to request specialist classes
Only one regiment representative is needed from each regiment to liase via voice & interact with other leadership
         Saturday/Sabado NA/SA 1030pm HAWAII / 130am PACIFIC California / 330am Mexico City MX/ 430amEST New York/ 530am Argentina
         Sunday EU/OC/ASIA 930am London GMT / 1030am  Germany + France / 430pm Perth WAST + Singapore SP +
                                            Beijiing CN + Indonesia /530pm Seoul KOR + Tokyo JP / 630pm QLD+NSW / 830pm NZ/

Event start approximate Timings:
[to allow for "existing events & password reveals"]
         Saturday/Sabado NA/SA 11pm HAWAII/ 2am PACIFIC California / 4am Mexico City MX / 5am EST New York / 6am Argentina
         Sunday EU/OC/ASIA 10am London GMT / 11am  Germany + France / 5pm Perth WAST+ Singapore SP +
                                               Beijiing CN + Indonesia /6pm Seoul KOR + Tokyo JP / 7pm QLD+NSW/ 9pmNZ/


        It is the responsibility of Officers and the NCO's of the regiment to make sure
         That ALL regiment members abide by these rules

General Rules:
All rules presented here are for typical events. Rules may change by admin discretion and you will be advised if this happens before or during the battle. Admins will attempt to warn you if you are breaching these rules before resorting to further punishments. Regardless, all admin decisions and instructions must be followed/accepted above all else. They are final. This includes the Auto Admin script as numbers do not lie but humans do.

To participate in a battle as an independent regiment line you must have at least three (3) players in regimental tags or mercenary tags appropriate for that regiment. At any time, throughout the battle you may split a line into smaller individual lines, as long as each still abides by the minimum of three (3) players in it.
During a battle, any players found to be in a line of less than three (3) will be asked to find a friendly line to join at their earliest convenience. (i.e. immediately) If this line is of a different role than the one assigned to a player they must continue to abide by the rules specified by their assigned role. (e.g. a line infantry player does not get to shoot like a skirmisher if forced to join a skirmisher line.)
Any player found to be without correct tags will be asked to leave and change them. Non-compliance may be punished with up to a ban. Any player found to have fake/impersonating tags may be banned without warning. All user id's [guid] are databased since 2012-now and added to weekly after events logs are scooped. I personally know the names of all players attached to their game id associated with any MOV server they joined since 2012-now

When moving as a line it is best practice to move in formation. While this is not enforced, it is both practical for speed of assembling to shoot and looks great. This is what you're here for, the columns, the battle lines, the flying V's.
That being said, you must be at all times within twenty five (25) man spacing of a friendly unit or you will be considered "Rambo", and can be punished with up to a slay if you are not actively trying to find a friendly line. This expires after 30 seconds when AUTO Admin is [on] and you shall deal no damage after 30 seconds but recieve it so continue the charge or break off and regroup within minimum 3 man rules.

Garrison is the act of a line occupying a building. A building is any feature of a map with enclosed walls and a roof. A line may not garrison a building. Artillery crew may send one (1) ranker into a building to man a cannon fixed there. A line may enter a building to remove an enemy artillery crewman, but must still follow all normal rules while inside and leave immediately after doing so. Any player found to be garrisoning a building can be punished with up to a slay. Being on top of a roof of a building is also considered garrison unless otherwise stated by the admin.

All lines must abide by the shooting rules for their role. This will invariably be the minimum spacing required between members of a line to fire their weapons. Any breach of these spacing rules will be considered as "Firing Out of Line" (FOL) and may be punished with up to a slay. Such a breach while also outside the twenty five (25) man spacing distance that is considered "Rambo" will have a higher likelihood of being punished more severely.
Additionally, a line may continue to shoot as normal, even if some of its players are in melee combat, as long as the shooting players still abide by the appropriate spacing rules.
Any line may reload their weapons as long as they are within the standard twenty five (25) man spacing of a friendly player. Whilst reloading while in formation is encouraged, it is not strictly enforced.
Refer to the "Roles" section for spacing rules.

A line fighting in hand-to-hand combat must do so in a way as to keep within the minimum twenty five (25) man spacing used for movement. Any player fighting in melee outside of this spacing will be considered "Rambo" and may be punishable with up to a slay.
If a player finds themselves cut off from their line or is the last man standing in their line they will be considered "Rambo" and must immediately break off combat and attempt to rejoin a friendly line. Failing to do so may be accidental and so will not be punished as harshly as a regular "Rambo".
Cavalry often spread out whilst fighting from horseback so against other mounted players they may fight within forty (40) man spacing of a friendly player. They will be considered "Rambo" if they stray outside of the twenty five (25) man spacing used to determine "Rambo" whilst fighting infantry however. It is therefore advisable for cavalry lines to make coordinated attacks against single enemy lines to reduce the risk of spreading out of the maximum spacing.

A player in a line may kneel only under the following circumstances:
- They are behind (within two (2) man spacing of) sapper deployable cover. These can be built during the round or preplaced on the map. (Includes: Earthworks, gabions, Chaveaux de fris, planks, fences, spikes, explosive crates)
- They are in multiple ranks. A rank is defined as a line standing within a half (1/2) man spacing in front of or behind another line. One (1) rank may crouch, as long as there are a greater or equal numbers of players in the standing rank.
- They are classified as the skirmisher role.

A player may use any weapon they spawn with or find throughout the course of a round, however using a weapon belonging to another role (e.g. a rifle) does not confer that role on the player picking up the weapon so the same spacing rules apply for firing.

The following weapons do not count as FOL despite being ranged weapons: Bottle, Pistols.

All roles but "Line infantry" are classified as specialist roles. Specialist role classes may only be taken by players or mercenaries wearing the tags of the regiment assigned that specialist role in the pre-battle meeting. Any player found to be using a class of a specialist role not assigned to their regiment will be punished with up to a slay.
Unless otherwise specified, a specialist role may only have up to sixteen (16) players of that class/es type, although some leniency is applied if a line has one (1) or two (2) over. Officers, musicians, sergeants etc. all count toward the maximum number of the specialist role's class/es type. Any line found to have over the maximum of sixteen (16) specialist class/es will be asked to form a separate line of line infantry to reduce specialist role numbers.
Any regiment assigned a specialist role may choose not to field all their players as that role and can thus form a line of line infantry in addition to a line of their assigned role.
Any regiment may allow another regiment to don mercenary tags and join them in their assigned specialist role, as long as the maximums for that role are not exceeded. Such mercenaries must be tagged as being part of the assigned regiment before the battle begins.
It is expected that a regiment is to be able to fill at least half (1/2) of the maximum players allowed as classes in their assigned specialist role. If they cannot, they may be at a disadvantage to the opposing team. It is therefore requested that sufficient regiment numbers be confirmed before requesting a specialist role. Should less than half the maximum be available, the assigned regiment should consider fielding mercenaries from another regiment to make up numbers.

The skirmisher role encompasses the light infantry and riflemen classes. These two (2) classes alone are considered to be skirmishers at all times. You may not field another class (e.g. Footguard) as a skirmisher. This role may fire their weapons within five (5) man spacing of one another. This role may also kneel outside of the normal kneeling conditions.
A skirmisher, if forced to join another line may still perform their role as a skirmisher whilst attached to said line. They may fire as long as they are within the standard five (5) man spacing of a friendly line.

The cavalry role encompasses any horse mounted class who is not also part of the artillery classes. Cavalry may ride and attack together as dictated by the movement and melee sections. Cavalry are also permitted to fire their weapons from horseback if they are within three (3) horse widths of another friendly mounted player. (Roughly equivalent to five (5) man spacing.) This means a cavalry line may fire whilst moving on horseback but only if they can maintain this spacing.
When dismounted, cavalry classes are treated as line infantry and therefore must adhere to line infantry spacing requirements.
If a cavalry line is reduced to 2 or less mounted players, all remaining mounted players must dismount immediately. Any player who does not dismount when required can be punished with up to a slay. This can happen accidentally during a melee engagement and thus players will be warned by an admin before further action is taken.

The artillery role is split into three (3) sub-roles: Artillery Crew, Artillery Guard and Sapper. A regiment assigned the artillery role may field up to the full complement of each subgroup for every 70 players in the battle. (e.g. A total of two (2) arty crews, four (4) arty guards and two (2) sappers if there are over one-hundred and forty (140) people participating in the battle.) There will be no leniency for additional numbers with artillery crew.
As always, the final decision of the amount of artillery role permitted is at the admin’s discretion.
Additionally, all classes in the artillery role have the same rule set as the skirmishers role, albeit with much smaller allowed maximum numbers.

Artillery Crew:
The artillery crew sub-role is made up of a combination of the artillery classes. (Train, Ranker and Officer) An artillery crew is made up of up to two (2) rankers, one (1) train carrying either cannon or howitzer and one (1) officer. While all of these classes can operate artillery pieces, only one may be "in use" at a time. This means a team should fire no more than one piece per artillery crew allowed, within the time it takes load and fire a single piece. The punishment for breaking these rules can be up to a slay.
The United Kingdom faction may elect to bring an artillery crew consisting of two (2) rockets instead of the normal complement of four (4) artillery crew.

Artillery Guard:
The artillery guard sub-role consists of a complement up to two (2) skirmisher class players tasked with defending the artillery crew. Again, all artillery sub-roles can use skirmisher 5 man spacing and crouching rules. This means up to four (4) may be fielded when two (2) complements of the artillery role are permitted.

The sapper sub-role is a single (1) sapper class, tasked with building defenses for the artillery. These defenses may take any form and may include defenses for other nearby lines. When two (2) complements of the artillery role are permitted two (2) sappers in total can be taken by the assigned regiment.
The number of points a sapper is permitted to build with will be determined before the battle and will likely be doubled if multiple artillery complements are permitted. The default is forty (40) points.

Line infantry:
Any line/regiment not assigned a specialist role from the prebattle meeting is considered line infantry. Line infantry may be any class that is not associated with a specialist role, such use of specialist classes as line infantry (e.g. light infantry class) is forbidden and can be punishable with up to a slay. Line infantry can only fire whilst shoulder-to-shoulder with another friendly player in a minimum line of three (3) players. Some leniency will be given with regards to spacing, although anything greater than half (1/2) man spacing will be considered FOL.
A line infantry line of a regiment also assigned a specialist role may not take the place of a specialist class that dies in that line. (e.g. a skirmisher or arty guard dying) If they start a round as line infantry they remain so for the entire round.

Team damage happens. It's part of the chaos of battle. Accidental team kills/damage is part of the game and serves as a deterrent to reckless attacks into melee. However, intentional team damage/killing can sometimes occur. Should a player or players intentionally team damage/kill they can be punished with up to a ban.
The same goes for trolling/griefing. The definition of this is very broad but it is very obvious when it happens. If enough of a single regiment is involved, the entire regiment will potentially be banned.

Event Application/admin contact

   [b]Regiment Name:[/b]
         [b]Regiment Nationality(or say international):[/b]
         [b]Commanding Officer/Subordinate Officers Steam (URL):[/b]
         [b]Estimated Participants:[/b]
         [b]expected Unit request
            (if not Line= finalised @ meeting
            730pm est New York via dice roll):[/b]
         [b]Would you like to schedule weekly participation?:[/b]
         [b]Have you read and agreed to the rules of the event:[/b]
         [b]Have you joined the Men Of Valor discord? [/b]

« Last Edit: June 15, 2021, 02:59:20 pm by HIKKUPZ »

Offline Dredd

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Gamers never die

Offline ~Midnight~

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  • Nick: Oprichnik | 18e
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Great to see you guys back again! I'll have to one day attend again..which is like 2-3am my time.

@DanTheChef invite me again

Offline Dan the Seagull Chef

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Great to see you guys back again! I'll have to one day attend again..which is like 2-3am my time.

@DanTheChef invite me again
who's man
Wanna help the Wiki, join the Discord! Here are also the FSE Thread and Taleworlds Thread.

Offline Dredd

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Great to see you guys back again! I'll have to one day attend again..which is like 2-3am my time.

@DanTheChef invite me again
who's man
when u can't tell the different between midnight and "lady" moraine.

Offline ~Midnight~

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  • Nick: Oprichnik | 18e
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Great to see you guys back again! I'll have to one day attend again..which is like 2-3am my time.

@DanTheChef invite me again
who's man
when u can't tell the different between midnight and "lady" moraine.

You sir, have offended me.


  • First Sergeant
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  • Nick: 10thRM_Captain_HIKKUPZ
  • Side: Confederacy
Great to see you guys back again! I'll have to one day attend again..which is like 2-3am my time.

@DanTheChef invite me again

PERFECT for you we now host NA Saturdays check this out and come! All of you!

link to the MOV_NA public  Field Battle FSE
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 06:03:13 am by HIKKUPZ »


  • First Sergeant
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  • Nick: 10thRM_Captain_HIKKUPZ
  • Side: Confederacy
AFTER BATTLE REPORTS for event on 9th May 2021

105/200 Players Average/Peak thank you all in attendance
Events will continue as usual Sundays NA/SA/OC through 2021

Regiments in attendance
3te Artillery + line
61e Cavalry
RKR Skirmishers
7thRF+Frankfurters+public players as line infantry

10thRM Artillery + line
LHR Cavalry
1stCB Skirmishers
2e + SL + public players as line infantry

MOV_Main_AUS1| Austria vs France | Artillery: 3te v 10thRM | Cavalry: 61e v LHR | Skirms: RKR v 1stCB | Lines: 7thRF + LSB vs 2e + SL

Map 1 Random Desert medium

Map 2 Schremmerbach Farm

10thRM attempts to hold off the coming zerg rush on its arty pit

the horde swarms the arty

3te artillery also suffers similar fate

Map 3 CN_Oasis

Longtime FSE Forums "lurker" 1stCB_Captain_Appollo with the 1stCB near the OASIS

Thank you all players & regiments that attend the PUBLIC Field Battle weekly or whenever they like in AUS/NZ  [you call us OC].

"Baron_Baanus: no i don't find it hard to believe, the first thing people like HIKKUPZ do when they come from a low socioeconomic substance abusing culture is to form a pact forged with reassurance and belonging based on manipulation through a series of closeness with abuse thrown in.  Its like the beaten wife syndrome, sure you know its wrong and don't always like it, but you wont leave."

  Thank you with all my heart for banning me in 2012 from LCC/Glovine/NW_Official_AUS -you made the community better overall with us hosting
« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 05:10:35 am by HIKKUPZ »

Offline SonOfApollo

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Longtime FSE Forums "lurker" 1stCB_Captain_Appollo with the 1stCB near the OASIS

Not always lurking!
Best of the worst and worst of the best.

"The only time I feel out of ease is when the old cancer of the 1stCB lock themselves into a room. Just their presence gives me SJW, Tumblr levels of PTSD." THOMANATOR 2016

Offline Dredd

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Longtime FSE Forums "lurker" 1stCB_Captain_Appollo with the 1stCB near the OASIS

Not always lurking!

Always lurking in and out of warband xD


  • First Sergeant
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  • Nick: 10thRM_Captain_HIKKUPZ
  • Side: Confederacy
AFTER BATTLE REPORTS for event on Sunday 16th May 2021

113+-/200 Players Average/Peak thank you all in attendance
Events will continue as usual Sundays NA/SA/OC through 2021

Regiments in attendance
61e Artillery
Nr.1 Leib Husaren Regiment "Deaths Head Hussars"   Cavalry
RKR  Skirmishers
Livonian Sword Brothers Line Infantry
1stINA Line Infantry + Public players as Line

2e Artillery
10th Royal Marines  Cavalry
1st Celtic Brigade  Skirmishers
3te Gránátos Zászlóal Line Infantry
7th Royal Fusaliers line infantry + Public players as Line

MOV_Main_AUS1| start time 7pm NSW Sydney | Prussia vs Austria | Artillery: 61e v 2e | Cavalry: LHR v 10thRM | Skirms: RKR v 1stCB | Lines: 3te + LSB vs  7thRF

Map 1/3 Random Steppe Medium

Fighting intensifies near the creek

Map 2/3 The Island

Map 3/3 Bushong Farm

Fighting intensifies as both armies assault the Farmhouse compound.

Thank you all players & regiments that attend the PUBLIC Field Battle weekly or whenever they like. With your patronage together we will build up the PUBLIC Sunday night OC event.

"Baron_Baanus: no i don't find it hard to believe, the first thing people like HIKKUPZ do when they come from a low socioeconomic substance abusing culture is to form a pact forged with reassurance and belonging based on manipulation through a series of closeness with abuse thrown in.  Its like the beaten wife syndrome, sure you know its wrong and don't always like it, but you wont leave."

  Thank you with all my heart for banning me in 2012 from LCC/Glovine/NW_Official_AUS -you made the community better overall with us hosting


  • First Sergeant
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  • Nick: 10thRM_Captain_HIKKUPZ
  • Side: Confederacy
AFTER BATTLE REPORTS for event on Sunday 23rd May 2021

117+-/200 Players Average/Peak thank you all in attendance
Events will continue as usual Sundays NA/SA/OC through 2021

Regiments in attendance
1st Celtic Brigade Artillery
Nr.1 Leib Husaren Regiment "Deaths Head Hussars"   Cavalry
RKR]  Skirmishers
10th Royal Marines Line Infantry
7th Royal Fusaliers Line Infantry
1stINA Line Infantry + Public players as Line

2e Artillery
[61e]   Cavalry
Livonian Sword Brothers  Skirmishers
3te Gránátos Zászlóal Line Infantry
EITC Line Infantry
Svea-Livgarde + Public players as Line

MOV_Main_AUS1| start time: 7pmNSW / 9pmNZ | Prussia vs Austria  | Artillery: 1stCB vs 2e | Cavalry: LHR v 61e | Skirms:  RKR vs LSB | Lines: 10thRM + 1st INA + 7thRF vs 3te + EITC + public players

Map 1/3 Random Snow Fog Medium

Regiments advance

Fog of War causing confusion

Map 1 Scoreboards Olorin & Joe the plumber MVP's

Map 2/3 Landshut Day

Fighting intensifies as the Prussians approach the towns edge


Map 3/3 Blood & Iron mod Crossing

Thank you all players & regiments that attend the PUBLIC Field Battle weekly or whenever they like. With your patronage together we will build up the PUBLIC Sunday night OC event.

"Baron_Baanus: no i don't find it hard to believe, the first thing people like HIKKUPZ do when they come from a low socioeconomic substance abusing culture is to form a pact forged with reassurance and belonging based on manipulation through a series of closeness with abuse thrown in.  Its like the beaten wife syndrome, sure you know its wrong and don't always like it, but you wont leave."

  Thank you with all my heart for banning me in 2012 from LCC/Glovine/NW_Official_AUS -you made the community better overall with us hosting


  • First Sergeant
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  • Nick: 10thRM_Captain_HIKKUPZ
  • Side: Confederacy
AFTER BATTLE REPORTS for event on Sunday 30th May 2021

130+-/200 Players Average/Peak thank you all in attendance
Events will continue as usual Sundays NA/SA/OC through 2021

Regiments in attendance
2e Artillery
Svea-Livgarde  Cavalry
Livonian Sword Brothers Skirmishers
RKR Line Infantry
1stINA Line Infantry
3te Gránátos Zászlóal Line Infantry + Public players as Line

7th Royal Fusaliers Artillery
Nr.1 Leib Husaren Regiment "Deaths Head Hussars"   Cavalry
1st Celtic Brigade Skirmishers
East India Trading Company Line Infantry
[61e] Line Infantry
10th Royal Marines Line Infantry + Public players as line

MOV_Main_AUS1| start time: 7pmNSW / 9pmNZ | France vs UK | Artillery: 2e v 7thRF | Cavalry: SL v LHR | Skirms: LSB v 1stCB | Lines: RKR + 1stINA + 3te vs EITC + 10thRM + 61e

Map 1/3 Random Forest Medium

The RKR advance calm under fire following their Kaiser into the dense Forest

France advances further into enemy territory with an artillery barrage to support

7th Royal Fusaliers Stand To

1st Indondesia Regiments & 3te combine forces towards the end of the engagement

Map 2/3 Hungarian Plains CLoudy

France crosses the River under another support BARRAGE by the 2e on Artillery

the 2 armies close in on town for melee and house to house fighting

7th Royal Fusaliers Artillery pit has no idea whats coming through town

Scoreboards Map 2 round 2 -- ALL Oceanic / ASIAN regiments in attendance are recrutiing so approach them to merc/be a mercenary at 1st

95th_Cpl_Serbu form CANADIA experiences his 1st Oceanic event in SYDNEY mercing for the 3te Gránátos Zászlóal

Round 3 everyone has relearnt the map after not playing it in atleast 1 year. The armies know where to place arty and go for the middle crossing each

Britain lands a well placed triple by the 7thRF as the 10th Royal Marines advance with the Cavalry of the LHR to mop up the filthy french frogs

Map 3/3 Native Field

Last Round and both teams rush the top stone bridge to secure the high ground

Thank you all players & regiments that attend the PUBLIC Field Battle weekly or whenever they like. With your patronage together we will build up the PUBLIC Sunday night OC event.
Warmup map HIKKUPZ-TROLL Bridge-2021

Warmup Map HIKKUPZ-Teh Krusty Krab-2015

"Baron_Baanus: no i don't find it hard to believe, the first thing people like HIKKUPZ do when they come from a low socioeconomic substance abusing culture is to form a pact forged with reassurance and belonging based on manipulation through a series of closeness with abuse thrown in.  Its like the beaten wife syndrome, sure you know its wrong and don't always like it, but you wont leave."

  Thank you with all my heart for banning me in 2012 from LCC/Glovine/NW_Official_AUS -you made the community better overall with us hosting


  • First Sergeant
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  • Nick: 10thRM_Captain_HIKKUPZ
  • Side: Confederacy
Event still active in 2022 signups in 2hrs join the MOV discord-we also host Fridays OC Battle Cry of Freedom skirmishes in SYDNEY 7pm NSW start/9pm NZ start public welcome

Offline King_Macbeth

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A good event, keep going at it MOV