So how are you going to balance the guns for the British and not make them extremely OP while not making them under powered? Will add in a system so that Zulus shields can withstand the impact of 1 bullet then they break, or will the Zulus be able to shout which gives them a large buff so they can take more damage?
Sorry if this is to early but I'm very curious, I'm okay if you can't answer my question.
Personally I think Zulus having a shield that can withstand one bullet would be a pretty bad idea, it would be frustrating, it would seem much like in warband against archers, and it wouldn't be historically accurate, let alone realistic, also the shield is a big bonus in melee combat over the Brits so i dont think it needs that bonus and it would make the zulus OP in fact. I haven't discussed this with the team yet but I think it would be pretty cool to have a witch doctor class who is basically doped up on drugs as they often are, so he feels a lot less pain, which in game terms would mean a lot more HP. But as James said it's too early to say.
A start in modeling our Martini Rifle. Thanks To Willhem.
What's the triangle count on those? It looks like you're using far too much, especially on those bolts. Or do you plan on baking it?
Being my first serious model entering modelling for the first time I made it far too detailed, luckily blender has a "decimate" tool which must be baking, so i put the the triangles down to 5000 from 22000 and it still looks the same detail in game, and i kept a save of the detailed version for fun too since I'm quite proud of it