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Messages - Furrnox

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Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 26, 2021, 05:32:29 am »
This ain’t it, chief.

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 22, 2021, 06:36:49 pm »
Stop fear-mongering and being hysterical over a virus that kills 0.2% of people infected. And the vast majority of them are fat or old folk.
And the reason we have such a low death % is because we're queranteeing and following health experts guidelines.
I don't understand how you can be this dense.

"Among those who develop symptoms, most (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing hospital treatment. About 15% become seriously ill and require oxygen and 5% become critically ill and need intensive care." - WHO

More people would die not only because of covid but probably also due to other diseases since healthcare providers probably wouldn't be able to provide adequate care.

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 18, 2021, 02:08:59 am »
It would be extremely easy for those people to take a fake vaccine

Must be nice to claim that anything that doesn't fit your agenda is either fake news or part of some conspiracy.
If we can't trust governments and we can't trust health experts then who can we trust?

Alex Jones? Who literally had to tell a court he was an entertainer and not a journalist?
Dave Rubin? Who thought Jesus was friends with muslims?
Some other rightwinger or "independant" medical expert who is totally not doing it for exposure and/or money?

What makes these people more trustworthy then already established institutions?

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 16, 2021, 05:53:29 pm »
Nah, I'm an avid conspiracy theorist and Alex Jones connesceauir.

Hopefully this discredits my previous posts so I don't have to reply to anymore worm posts such as this one.

The most powerful people in the world aren't taking it and that should tell you something.

There's literally videos and/or pictures of world leaders taking the vaccine such as Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Boris Johnson, Erdogan, Viktor Orban, António Guterres (Secretary General of UN), the PM of India, the King and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, the PM of Israel, the PM of Czech Republic, the PM of Serbia, the Sheik of UAE, the President of South Africa and those are just the ones I found with a quick search. But I guess all those are fake?

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 14, 2021, 04:04:52 pm »
big pharma shills

I'd be interested to hear how deep your conspiracy goes, lol.

Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: May 14, 2021, 02:17:23 pm »
You guys are missing the point. If vaccines grant you immunity against the disease, take it, why force me to take one if I don't want to? If I get rona and die, that's on me. Genuine question.
Because if everyone doesn't take it, it renders the vaccine ineffective. By giving the virus the chance to continue mutating.
So we'll have to restart this whole process all over again, another year in lockdown wohoo.

Also it continues to leave those who can't take the vaccine due to medical reasons vunarable.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: May 14, 2021, 02:08:39 pm »
political violence in free countries bad

Generally speaking sure but in some demonstrations/protests it's inevitable. Be it demonstrators becoming overzealous instigating fights and police crackdowns ensue or be it police being ordered to disperse crowds. Violence will continue to happen and the people on either side should have the right to self defense should they feel like their life is being threatened. If you're a protester I would strongly discourage starting fights, you're outgunned and it generally hurts your cause.

Also I do agree just to state this again demonstrators attacking local businesses is just indefensible.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thr
« on: May 13, 2021, 05:04:29 pm »
I don’t understand how you don’t get what I’m saying. If I was entierly against the idea of political violence then I wouldn’t even be able to support the idea of a peoples overthrowal of dictatorships.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: May 13, 2021, 04:34:55 am »
I'm not a fan of riots but you can argue that they were rioting against a system they find/found to be tyrannical which in my book could be justifiable reason to commit acts of violence in some circumstances.

I find your mind fucked up, I'm going to beat you up. Dumbass logic to burn down businesses.

You're a professional victim, that's it.

I literally said I'm not a fan of rioting "dumbass" all I said is that there can be justification for violence if you live in a tyrranical society. What people believe to be a tyrranical society is subjective nazis and commies believe we live in a tyrranical society right now for example. I think they're entierly wrong and I don't support their violent acts. However the Hong Kong demonstrations had violence tied to it but is still something I supported cause I support political freedom and think their cause was just. Also the fighting as far as I'm aware was between authorities and demonstrators. No local bussniesses were targeted.
Just to be clear so your brain will get it right I do not support rioting.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: May 13, 2021, 12:23:53 am »
I'm not a fan of riots but you can argue that they were rioting against a system they find/found to be tyrannical which in my book could be justifiable reason to commit acts of violence in some circumstances.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: May 12, 2021, 03:52:22 pm »
Debating is gay. Real men do trial by combat to see who’s opinion is right

Any animal can use violence to resolve their conflicts, only humans can use their words to do the same.

However even animals understand that violence is generally stupid if it can be avoided. Being wounded as a herbivore makes you an easier target for predators and getting wounded as a predator means you can't hunt as efficantly. Also you know animals lack medication and are generally on a very basic level on treating wounds.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: May 12, 2021, 05:34:57 am »


3.Banks don't give a shit.

4.Only losers get addicted

5. Blacks don't get accepted cos they score lower. #Cope

Your posts so far have been completely pointless and have only made you look stupid.
How about you use your two remaining braincells and give me a real argument to respond to.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: May 11, 2021, 03:27:41 pm »
Ok, institutional racism and inequality is a real and big problem in the US. Please give us 5 bulletpoints on how would YOU solve these issues. You can be creative.
I've put this off for a while cause I haven't had the time to put down the effort to respond. First of all I'm not an academic in any sense but from the arguments I've heard here are 4 "bulletpoints" in no particular order, that would make sense to me. (I know you asked for 5)

1. Get people more involved in the political process, currently it would seem to me from what I've read that the voting population in local elections is mostly old white people that don't represent the ideals of the broder population and since local government is in charge of for example appointing police chiefs, which makes them very important elections to take part in, furthermore if more people took part in the process it would give more legitimacy in my opinion to the protest should local politicians continue to select shitty police chiefs even after the broder electorate would participate.

2. Put more pressure through incentives for companies to hire more multiculturaly. I know this is definantly not popular with white people who argue for individualism and the market place will always select fairly based on whoever is most suited for the job based on experience and education etc. Unfortunaley this does not seem to be the case currently, mostly due to inherit bias. I also believe that if corporations would be more diverse they could probably be better at targeting more minorities in marketing etc making it benificial for the economy for companies to hire more diversly.

3. Putting through legislation that hinders banks from treating people differntly based on race. Currently banks are less likely to give out fair loans to black people then whites.

4. Minor point decriminalizing cannabis use on a federal level and continue to pressure states to legalize it. Currently incarceration due to cannabis use has been affecting minorities more then whites and there's no reason to keep people in prison due to cannabis use. I'd personally go even further and argue for the decriminalization for all drug use, but I don't think that would be achievable currently. I personally believe it's an addiction that would be more efficently solved through rehablitation then incarceration and it only inflicts the person addicted. Now if you commit crimes that does affect others to fuel your addiction like break ins etc then you should obviously be punished for those but not the addiction in of itself.

Here's a 5th and 6th that I'm kind of on the fence about the HR 40 bill, and the idea of censoring names on school applications.
Since there has been some studies showing black people being less likely to be selected purely based on their names.
I haven't read much into this one though so I'm unaware of any unwanted side effects this might cause.

(Sorry for poor grammar English isn't my first language but I think I still got my points across, tell me if you need me to clarify something.)

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: May 01, 2021, 06:08:28 pm »
Xdddd le epic troll moment

don't get me wrong, everything i said i stand for as well as genuinely thinking you guys are racist

simply based of an assumption

Ah yes I’m racist based on an ”assumption” while people who use racial slurs or he had it coming cause he’s black arguments ain’t?

I don't give a shit about slurs or other jokes, what matters are your values, which indicate that you and others are racist.
can you pls for once in this thread actually explain anything of what you just said

I'm just using the logic you have been using to claim that I hate blacks and to call me a racist. Glad you're not getting it. A little bit of self reflection from y'alls part would be great.

I already know what you would say to claim that I'm racist but you don't want to say it because it's so easily disproven by facts.
You'd say that I'm racist because I claim that minorities in general are at a disadvantage in opportunity in "westernized" countries,
and then you'd point at poor white people. Which isn't a fair comparison to make since blacks (at least in the US) still carry a lot of historical baggage and there definantly is some racial bias in more or less all of us.
For example white employers are more likely to hire white people over blacks, and black employers are more likely to hire black people over whites.

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: April 30, 2021, 08:14:40 pm »
Damn I guess I posted ONE through a quote you got me.

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