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Topics - ~Midnight~

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Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Unban Appeal for Midnight
« on: January 03, 2015, 07:48:36 pm »
Name under which you were banned: I don't recall, it was so long ago.
Server(s) you are banned from:  NW_Official_NA1
What was happening when you got banned: Well, I was new to NW at the time and the map was Arabian Harbor. Our team was clumped on a balcony, there was a sapper, he placed a explosive crate, I lit it and Whole team was killed by me. I got perm-banned.
Time and date when the account was banned: I don't recall really, it was so long ago.
Timezone: UTC-05:00
User Identification Number: 496986
Why should you be unbanned?: I'm more mature now, due to the fact of regiments and other clans on various of games. I only ask for a second chance because I was new to NW at that time. I wouldn't have known it would kill our team. More of my friends are now starting or going back to your server and its a shame that I won't be able to join them because of a silly mistake in the past.

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