Flying Squirrel Entertainment

The Lounge => Off Topic => Topic started by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 04:04:37 am

Title: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 04:04:37 am
Express your views on Social Justice, good or bad. MRA, Feminist, Egalitarian, ect.

Please do not use this thread as a means of arguing, harassing, and/or breaking other forum rules.

Peaceful debates are fine. I am aware that this is a hot issue so please keep in mind that others may hold different opinions than your own.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: fieldshire on June 25, 2015, 04:06:13 am
Smoke weed with no restrictions
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Theodin on June 25, 2015, 04:07:50 am
Please do not use this thread as a means of arguing, harassing, and/or breaking other forum rules.
Alright well i'm out of here, peace
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 25, 2015, 04:17:34 am
MRAs are retarded. Hardline feminists are obnoxious but more correct than MRAs. Social justice is cool.

How are we supposed to do this without arguing?
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Carson on June 25, 2015, 04:26:30 am
Please do not use this thread as a means of arguing, harassing, and/or breaking other forum rules.
So no fun?
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Bear on June 25, 2015, 04:28:28 am
Low quality bait
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Peppers on June 25, 2015, 04:29:22 am
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Shine on June 25, 2015, 04:30:36 am
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Batraan on June 25, 2015, 04:46:44 am
Personally I have one idea as far as this goes. Live and let live. So long as it doesn't affect people negatively or is illegal, believe/act/dress however the hell you want, but without forcing such things one others.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: junedragon on June 25, 2015, 05:05:03 am
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 05:08:39 am
MRAs are retarded. Hardline feminists are obnoxious but more correct than MRAs. Social justice is cool.

How are we supposed to do this without arguing?
I would say that this is flipped, SJW feminists are retarded and MRAs are obnoxious but more correct than SJW feminists. Social Justice is cool, in certain circumstances.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 25, 2015, 05:24:58 am
How can you even call yourself a liberal lol.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 05:34:28 am
Because i understand the concept of egalitarianism in that are people are to be treated equal in the eyes of the law. I look at data and observable fact instead of "feelings" and make conclusions based on the evidence presented before me. Unlike you who buys into the "women are oppressed! we need change!" section of people when in actuality there are sections of the law in which women have the upper hand, specifically marriage and child care, which are not major issues but worth noting. To be a liberal, you do not have to be a feminist, at best you need to be an egalitarian but even that is not always true.

Your problem nipple is that you do not understand liberalism.

Btw, when have i ever said i was a liberal? I'm a socialist, democratic socialist to be specific.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on June 25, 2015, 05:36:26 am
The term Liberal's so broad at this point, it's basically fruitless. There are a stupid amount of Liberal ideologies out there, ranging from the center to the radical left. It's rediculous.

But yeah, I support Social Justice. Equality and Meritocracy should be the guiding principle in life, have everyone work on an equal playing field so that those who deserve wealth and power can earn it. I've always supported Egalitarianism over Feminism, because lately Feminists seem to be more and more... Misandrists than anything else.

Basically, I guess the way to describe it is, treat everyone how they deserve to be treated. Treat'em like a dick if they're a dick, a retard if they're a retard, a hero if they're a hero and a genius if they're a genius. Always seemed simple to me.

Also still say Democratic Socialism isn't the best of paths. I don't need Swedish housing blocks in America.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 05:47:06 am
Just because i am a democratic socialist does not mean i want to literally copy pasta sweden's way of democratic socialism. What i would like to do is take many of the good ideas they have in sweden, norway, denmark and iceland and apply them to the united states. Not all their ideas are good just as not all their ideas are bad, same applies for the US. Mostly what i want is free healthcare, free education, tax breaks for the poor and middle class (if possible), higher taxes for the rich and well off, as well as a decent infrastructure. This idea is not impossible, it may even be arguably good for an economy to have more money in the pockets of the middle class. This is all backed by evidence and not "oh read this book some austrian guy wrote 100 years ago!"
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on June 25, 2015, 06:00:04 am
I would propose tax breaks on the middle class, merely because the US needs the middle class to survive. Almost more than our lower class at this point, if what I've studied is true.

Free healthcare would be nice, if it was single payer program and modeled in a way where our hospitals wouldn't be ass-blasted like Canada's. Which I think we could do, if we created higher taxes for the super rich (Or just killed the multitude of loopholes we have).

Free education isn't going to happen, and that may be for the better. While I would wish for education to be cheaper, Private Universities have a tendency to be of higher quality when it comes to Higher Education. Cheaper Unversities are usually state run, and while those are usually fairly good they pale in comparision to specialized private institutions.

Infrastructure needs to be done. Along with a proper bloody rail system than isn't as old as the baby-boomers.

My main problem with Socialism comes with welfare. Yes, I believe that people need help in order to get out of poverty. I'm also well aware that our current system pretty much damns people into poverty when we try to help them. People can't live off of the Government's dime just for existing, they need to actually contribute to the country. Get a proper job, follow the law, so on and so forth. I don't like the Scandinavian idea of a 'living wage', it gives people something that they don't earn.

Welfare should be a platform to aid people in reaching new heights, not a safety bubble.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 06:08:13 am
I actually agree with most of what you just said.

Going deeper into education, it doesn't necessarily have to be "free" education, it just needs to be at a fair price. This is a massive problem in the US where too many kids are getting out of college with massive debts, that should not happen. You should not start the game in massive debt.

Also on welfare, i think the idea of education and working should be emphasized a lot more. These programs should exist, in some cases they need to exist but i understand the issue of welfare queens, people living off the state. Personally i think we should do government work programs like we used to do. Anyone who wants a job can get one from the government to help build roads and such or other things. This idea could be expanded beyond just roads but that is up to politicians to decide.

As for people who literally can not work, they must be taken care of. It is society's responsibility to take care of these people, if not individuals, then the state.

Update: i would also like to bring up the fact that a pointless war in the middle east costs considerably more than welfare queens.
One costs the government trillions, one costs the government millions :3
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on June 25, 2015, 06:18:21 am
The Price should be adjusted for the market, and should go as high or low as the economy can support. College is too expensive right now, yes, but that can be factored into the fact that many College presidents and Chancellors take home large paychecks. And by large I don't mean 'oh he's better off, shame on him/her' paychecks. I mean 'More money then anyone could ever use' paychecks. And this is coming from a ultilitarian standpoint, but I've always thought that someone should not have what they will never use, if it can be used better by someone else.

Our education system in rural and city zones needs to be heavily revitalized. While in the suburbs our programs tend to be fairly competent (Hell, here in Mass our education is pretty much on par with those of European nations), the majority of educational programs are lacking. Standardized testing and programs like No Child Left Behind didn't help, which is a bit of a shame because they were intended to help everyone. Common Core was our latest stab at it, but honestly it looks like it's going to flop the same way.

As for people who can't take care of themselves, they still need to do something. A man in a wheelchair can do paperwork, a woman with Downs syndrome (in it's less severe cases) can work in a grocery store. Unless you're permanently bedridden or have crippling mental disorders, you should be working alongside Government aid.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 06:22:21 am
perhaps but are these jobs forced upon these people? perhaps we could do it like this, the government pays a certain amount and the job you works pays a certain amount and collectively that is what you live on. Obviously people with physical or mental issues have to spend more money for care and such so they should have more money. I don't know, these are the finer details of policy making which isn't really fun to debate over.

Also this discussion, although interesting, is not topical at all xD anyways, back on topic, SJWs are dumb.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on June 25, 2015, 06:24:56 am
We can't just throw around hopes and dreams without actual plans Gluk, if we do then all we're doing is talking completely out of our asses and blowing steam through our ears.

If we want these things to happen, we need plans. Plans that will work, plans that can be supported by the populace. Not go 'oh it's not my job to come up with these plans', that's just simple laziness.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 06:27:16 am
yeah but it's past midnight and i'm snapchatting a girl right now. Also i'm only 17 so it's not like my plan would be heard even if i had one.

It may be hypocritical of me because i do agree that there needs to be a plan but at the moment i just do not care enough to provide anything of real substance.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on June 25, 2015, 06:28:39 am
Not heard now, no. But start, and when you're older bring your ideas to the forefront.

I've only got a year on you Gluk, that's not stopping me from coming up with ideas.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 06:32:17 am
I have ideas, and i'm a political person and i see myself being a political activist in my college years and beyond, but if i can't drive then what the fuck am i going to do to bring on political change?
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on June 25, 2015, 06:34:52 am
No great plan is birthed overnight. I'm saying research and think, don't expect to be able to put forward action yet.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: junedragon on June 25, 2015, 07:22:38 am
And read

A lot

I'd start with Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations if you haven't read it.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 07:36:53 am
like i said, book from 100+ years ago and using it as fact for anarcho-capitalist bullshit, completely ignoring evidence that contradicts their "beliefs." I'm not going to read an old ass book unless i have some sort of vested interest in it, otherwise i will have a very difficult time reading it and likely just put it down due to boredom. Modern articles/books are much much better.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: junedragon on June 25, 2015, 08:45:04 am
like i said, book from 100+ years ago and using it as fact for anarcho-capitalist bullshit, completely ignoring evidence that contradicts their "beliefs." I'm not going to read an old ass book unless i have some sort of vested interest in it, otherwise i will have a very difficult time reading it and likely just put it down due to boredom. Modern articles/books are much much better.

Never said you have to agree with everything in it. But it makes many valid points and basically serves as the foundation of economics. Definitely worth a read if you have any political interests/ambitions.

Oh and I must say I categorically reject the notions that:
1) Old books/theories are rendered inapplicable by age
2) "modern" resources are inherently superior
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Batraan on June 25, 2015, 09:25:00 am
Oh and I must say I categorically reject the notions that:
1) Old books/theories are rendered inapplicable by age
2) "modern" resources are inherently superior

Must..... Resist......starting.....flame.....war.......damnit....'d.......think.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Akko on June 25, 2015, 10:37:42 am
Social justice is ghey
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Turin Turambar on June 25, 2015, 11:09:45 am
Social justice is ghey
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Tharan on June 25, 2015, 01:24:05 pm
The western world has become a service based economy and has become too reliant on Asia now for our products we need to move some aspects on manufacturing back to the West.

Having free higher education means more people will have degrees which will mean that the value of a degree is reduced (as seen in the US and the UK)

We need to encourage people to go into trades and to look at vocational qualification's.

Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Theodin on June 25, 2015, 03:10:28 pm
If you think the Wealth of Nations is a bad book then.. You need to get your head out of Marx's ass.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: fieldshire on June 25, 2015, 06:32:50 pm

like i said, book from 100+ years ago and using it as fact for anarcho-capitalist bullshit, completely ignoring evidence that contradicts their "beliefs." I'm not going to read an old ass book unless i have some sort of vested interest in it, otherwise i will have a very difficult time reading it and likely just put it down due to boredom. Modern articles/books are much much better.
Quite ignorant.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 07:08:17 pm
Never read marx either, it goes both ways. It's not that there is no valuable content within the books when surely there is. It's more that much of the content is rendered pointless as time went by and economics/communism (or whatever the subject) evolved to fit modern society better. It's also that i just really hate reading old books, especially old books on economics. Like seriously? You expect people to read a 200+ year old economics book...
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Archduke Sven on June 25, 2015, 07:11:54 pm
Never read marx either, it goes both ways. It's not that there is no valuable content within the books when surely there is. It's more that much of the content is rendered pointless as time went by and economics/communism (or whatever the subject) evolved to fit modern society better. It's also that i just really hate reading old books, especially old books on economics. Like seriously? You expect people to read a 200+ year old economics book...

you're legit fucking dumb

because people from 100-200 years ago hadn't figured out shit that is still completly relevant today due to how slowly humans evolve as creature and that our society totally isnt largely based on foundations laid during the enlightenment period
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 07:35:18 pm
yeah sven, i agree with you. It's mostly that i don't care enough.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: fieldshire on June 25, 2015, 07:39:30 pm

yeah sven, i agree with you. It's mostly that i don't care enough.
if you don't care enough then why are you on these threads?
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 07:40:07 pm

yeah sven, i agree with you. It's mostly that i don't care enough.
if you don't care enough then why are you on these threads?
because this is a thread about social justice and not economics...
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 25, 2015, 08:03:01 pm
Never read marx either

Yeah buddy, it really shows.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 08:15:32 pm
nipple i'm not a marxist/communist. I might read marx one day but right now i really just don't care enough.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 25, 2015, 08:21:02 pm
You should just read books in general because they're good for you. From what you're saying it seems like you don't read much of anything at all, besides shitty teen fantasy novels maybe.

It seems like your opinions are based on a heavily calculated balance between being as radical as possible while still staying within those socially acceptable political boundaries that won't get you cursed out or lynched. Essentially you just look like an edgy child who wants to say profound shit in history class to look cool.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 08:28:25 pm
I'm just going to say this, most of what i read is historical in nature. My main interest is history and i want to be a history teacher. Politics is a secondary interest of mine and i simply do not care enough at the moment to read those books. I'm not saying never, i'm not saying people shouldn't read them, all i'm saying is that right now, i do not care.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Tharan on June 25, 2015, 09:55:22 pm
Gulk you make no sense
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 09:59:06 pm
What is not making sense? At this moment in time, i don't feel like reading some old ass economics book, It's that simple. I dislike it when people say "read this book" as evidence to support their claims.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: fieldshire on June 25, 2015, 09:59:19 pm

Gulk you make no sense
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 25, 2015, 10:04:31 pm
What is not making sense? At this moment in time, i don't feel like reading some old ass economics book, It's that simple. I dislike it when people say "read this book" as evidence to support their claims.

But quoting an "old ass economics book" is more valid than quoting nothing at all. What are your beliefs based on, if not on reading? Word of mouth? Movies? Comics? Your position is entirely invalidated if you have no basis for any of your arguments or beliefs. It's like the epitome of labeling yourself as something just so you can say you are that, without actually understanding the beliefs you support or their philosophical groundings.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: fieldshire on June 25, 2015, 10:08:06 pm

What is not making sense? At this moment in time, i don't feel like reading some old ass economics book, It's that simple. I dislike it when people say "read this book" as evidence to support their claims.

But quoting an "old ass economics book" is more valid than quoting nothing at all. What are your beliefs based on, if not on reading? Word of mouth? Movies? Comics? Your position is entirely invalidated if you have no basis for any of your arguments or beliefs. It's like the epitome of labeling yourself as something just so you can say you are that, without actually understanding the beliefs you support or their philosophical groundings.
Thank you for this.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Tharan on June 25, 2015, 10:16:12 pm
What is not making sense? At this moment in time, i don't feel like reading some old ass economics book, It's that simple. I dislike it when people say "read this book" as evidence to support their claims.

But it is a source that can back their claims? When people make a claim its good to have evidence to back up your claim.

Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 10:18:49 pm
I think you are trying to turn something that is simple into something more complex, the truth is that i am lazy and don't feel like reading often times long and boring economic books because I DONT FUCKING LIKE ECONOMICS! Jesus... I also never said i don't read when obviously i do. I read history books, i read news articles, i watch videos of people who have read more than me, i do research into subjects i have interest in, look at data and statics of sources to back up my claims, ect. Also you're strawmaning me again nipple.

What is not making sense? At this moment in time, i don't feel like reading some old ass economics book, It's that simple. I dislike it when people say "read this book" as evidence to support their claims.
But it is a source that can back their claims? When people make a claim its good to have evidence to back up your claim.
Guys, i understand that they are using that as the basis of their argument, i get that. It's that they expect me to read the ENTIRE BOOK to understand their single comment on the internet. Instead of saying "read this book" you should QUOTE THE BOOK and say this book said this by this author at this time. Saying "just read this book" is a shitty citation.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 25, 2015, 10:22:20 pm
I think maybe if you read books you would finally learn the definition and proper usage of "straw man".
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 10:26:05 pm
A strawman is where you take a false idea of what my argument is and argue against that even though that is not what my argument actually was.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 25, 2015, 10:28:31 pm
Yeah and that's not what I'm doing you retard.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 10:33:26 pm
I think it may just be an unintentional straw man because i think you misinterpreted what i said. but ill break it down as to why it is a straw man.

But quoting an "old ass economics book" is more valid than quoting nothing at all.
Never said it wasn't

What are your beliefs based on, if not on reading? Word of mouth? Movies? Comics? Your position is entirely invalidated if you have no basis for any of your arguments or beliefs.
When did i say that i don't read?

It's like the epitome of labeling yourself as something just so you can say you are that, without actually understanding the beliefs you support or their philosophical groundings.
I understand it because i read but you don't realize that because you didn't understand what i was saying.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 25, 2015, 10:35:27 pm
Intentional misrepresentation of an argument is not the same as the misunderstanding of an argument.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 25, 2015, 10:39:19 pm
fair point, in that case it wasn't a straw man, but rather you didn't understand my argument. Anyways who cares...
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Tharan on June 25, 2015, 10:43:41 pm
fair point, in that case it wasn't a straw man, but rather you didn't understand my argument. Anyways who cares...

Apparently you.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Grantrithor on June 26, 2015, 12:00:22 am
MRAs are retarded. Hardline feminists are obnoxious but more correct than MRAs. Social justice is cool.

This is true, if you look at the demographics 90% of MRAs turn out to be militant atheist who stopped believing in god after it didn't reward them with a girlfriend. This is a worse number than the 60% feminist who turn out to have autism and unironically enjoy Zelda games.

like i said, book from 100+ years ago and using it as fact for anarcho-capitalist bullshit, completely ignoring evidence that contradicts their "beliefs." I'm not going to read an old ass book unless i have some sort of vested interest in it, otherwise i will have a very difficult time reading it and likely just put it down due to boredom. Modern articles/books are much much better.

Weren't you defending marxism in another thread? Marxism is an outdated ideology as it pertains to economic liberalism destroying the working class in Britain, France, and Prussia during the 19th century, which is no longer applicable today as workers now have minimum wage, pensions, maximum work hours, and social security - and if you live in a not shit country, social health care. It was good in it's time but it's outdated. That doesn't mean you shouldn't read it because it's the foundation of modern ideologies, just like Adam Smith is the foundation of capitalism today. If you don't read up on it you'll never understand.

The western world has become a service based economy and has become too reliant on Asia now for our products we need to move some aspects on manufacturing back to the West.

Having free higher education means more people will have degrees which will mean that the value of a degree is reduced (as seen in the US and the UK)

We need to encourage people to go into trades and to look at vocational qualification's.

We're gone past those days, unless americans have a revolution and turn into state capitalist you are never going to see those factories back in America. The lobby, congress, senate, banks, and what have you are owned by the capitalist who moved their factories to another country where they can employ slaves free workers.

Trades are dead, you need to be an engineer not a mechanic in this day and age.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 26, 2015, 12:14:07 am
In a Harvard University study involving 1,000 Men's Rights Activists from the ages of 15-25, 100% of them were revealed to have been diagnosed with cases of acute autism. More conclusive results are unavailable at this time, however a Harvard University spokesperson closely involved with the research time has said that the results so far are even more startling than they originally imagined. Another spokesperson also hinted at the possibility of the individuals participating in the study could be suffering from moderate to severe cases of Long-term Viriginity Disorder (LVD) and Angsty Edgelord Syndrome (AES).
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Colonel Howe on June 26, 2015, 12:53:08 am
Would it be social justice if we murdered Gluk?

Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Grantrithor on June 26, 2015, 12:53:40 am
In a Harvard University study involving 1,000 Men's Rights Activists from the ages of 15-25, 100% of them were revealed to have been diagnosed with cases of acute autism. More conclusive results are unavailable at this time, however a Harvard University spokesperson closely involved with the research time has said that the results so far are even more startling than they originally imagined. Another spokesperson also hinted at the possibility of the individuals participating in the study could be suffering from moderate to severe cases of Long-term Viriginity Disorder (LVD) and Angsty Edgelord Syndrome (AES).

I didn't want to be redundant by saying that MRAs had austism.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: fieldshire on June 26, 2015, 01:18:09 am

Would it be social justice if we murdered Gluk?
was waiting for someone to say this.

Now I bring out my true plans for murder.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Akko on June 26, 2015, 01:32:39 am
Would it be social justice if we murdered Gluk?

:0 Now that's something I can get behind.

Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 26, 2015, 01:33:26 am
okay, things like anarcho-capitalism and marxism, i will admit, I know little about. I defend marxism as a philosophy and read some works of certain marxists and anarchists (not a lot but some) but i don't support marxism as a literal way of running things. Social Justice however is different because it is a plague of autism that has engulfed the internet with raging retards who believe they are oppressed. You know what though nipple, instead of just insulting each other, lets make an honest debate out of it okay? You represent Modern Feminism, i will represent egalitarian/semi-MRA. I will let you begin with answer this simple question. Why should i be a feminist?

At the end of the debate, if i think i have lost, i will admit it and that is a promise.

Would it be social justice if we murdered Gluk?
Yes because i a misogynistic shitlord MRA rapist who supports the patriarchy. 
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Akko on June 26, 2015, 01:35:09 am
okay, things like anarcho-capitalism and marxism, i will admit, I know little about. I defend marxism as a philosophy and read some works of certain marxists and anarchists (not a lot but some) but i don't support marxism as a literal way of running things. Social Justice however is different because it is a plague of autism that has engulfed the internet with raging retards who believe they are oppressed. You know what though nipple, instead of just insulting each other, lets make an honest debate out of it okay? You represent Modern Feminism, i will represent egalitarian/semi-MRA. I will let you begin with answer this simple question. Why should i be a feminist?

At the end of the debate, if i think i have lost, i will admit it and that is a promise.

Would it be social justice if we murdered Gluk?

You expect to get a formal debate on this forum? You're like 2 years late, m8.

Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 26, 2015, 01:39:14 am
why not? if it's an intellectual debate between two opposing sides then why not? Outsiders may learn something and insiders may change opinions. At the end, we may come to an agreement. Who knows but i don't see why we can't have a debate.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Akko on June 26, 2015, 01:44:44 am
why not? if it's an intellectual debate between two opposing sides then why not? Outsiders may learn something and insiders may change opinions. At the end, we may come to an agreement. Who knows but i don't see why we can't have a debate.

That sounds like faggotry to me.

Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 26, 2015, 01:48:44 am
I'm not going to argue with a conservative who calls himself a leftist and doesn't even realize what's wrong with the shit he's spewing.

You win, I guess.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Colonel Howe on June 26, 2015, 01:49:12 am
why not? if it's an intellectual debate between two opposing sides then why not? Outsiders may learn something and insiders may change opinions. At the end, we may come to an agreement. Who knows but i don't see why we can't have a debate.
Because it's

ultimately doesn't change anything
probably ends with both parties more polarized than before

I'm not going to argue with a conservative who calls himself a leftist and doesn't even realize what's wrong with the shit he's spewing.

You win, I guess.
Nipples down for da count
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 26, 2015, 01:56:57 am
I'm not going to argue with a conservative who calls himself a leftist and doesn't even realize what's wrong with the shit he's spewing.

You win, I guess.
wot, WOT! How am i a conservative for being a fucking egalitarian instead of a feminist, this is shows that you do not understand what you are talking about half the time.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 26, 2015, 01:59:58 am
Feminism is egalitarian. I bet you subscribe to Sargon of Akkad lol.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 26, 2015, 02:13:16 am
Feminism is egalitarian. I bet you subscribe to Sargon of Akkad lol.
funny thing is that i actually am, i watch him regularly. I also watch last week tonight regularly. I find them both to be wrong at times but they both present reasonable data at times which i can make my own conclusions. There is a youtuber called TL;DR who i much prefer over sargon of akkad. He goes much much MUCH more depth with statics and data, you can watch some of his videos and form your own opinion.

Here is a video of his which i think you should watch,

Now choice-feminism, along with 1st and 2nd wave feminism are egalitarian. 3rd is somewhat and 4th just lost their damn times. I call 4th wave feminism, modern feminism and the shit they say is retarded.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Turin Turambar on June 26, 2015, 02:18:03 am
Guys, I just wanted you to know something. From now, please treat me according to what I really am (which I just found out): A Jewish black transsexual woman.
If you say I'm something else you are a racist nazi shitlord.

PS: Nipple, u can argue with me, I'm a conservative who doesn't call himself a leftie!

PPS: TL;DR and Sargon of Akkad are impolite pricks. Doesn't mean they are wrong, I just don't like them.

PPPS: The men's rights movement is ludicrous.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 26, 2015, 02:21:56 am
There is no 4th wave of feminism. Are you really this uninformed? 4th wave feminism was a troll campaign that /b/ and /pol/ collaborated on basically to create an anti-feminist movement which marketed itself to feminists to trick them into opposing their own movement. It worked marginally for a week and then fucked itself when they actually tried to make it respectable, which of course was impossible because they didn't understand the different waves of feminism (Like most MRAs), especially 3rd wave.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 26, 2015, 02:27:36 am
when i say 4th wave, i mean internet tumblr feminists on college campuses advocating for "safe zones" and "trigger warnings." People like anita sarkeesian and other internet feminists such as rebecca watson. These people are (Trigger Warning) RETARDED!
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Turin Turambar on June 26, 2015, 02:28:57 am
You should have made a trigger warning before writing this scary word in capital letters with an exclamation mark.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 26, 2015, 02:30:23 am
oh sorry, you're right.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: fieldshire on June 26, 2015, 02:35:30 am
I'm offended.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Grantrithor on June 26, 2015, 03:26:06 am
okay, things like anarcho-capitalism and marxism, i will admit, I know little about.
Which is why you should stop posting anytime.

I defend marxism as a philosophy and read some works of certain marxists and anarchists (not a lot but some) but i don't support marxism as a literal way of running things. Social Justice however is different because it is a plague of autism that has engulfed the internet with raging retards who believe they are oppressed.

Social justice =/= social justice warriors. Social justice is recognizing disenfranchised people (poor, disabled, etc...) and reforming outdated laws or society to better accommodate them. Unemployment insurance and wheel chair ramps are social justice.

Social justice warriors are white suburb kids (much like yourself) who have no idea how the world works and foolishly believe that everything wrong with the world can be blamed on a singular, as well as sometimes abstract, entity (such as the patriarchy, or a political party) as if the removal or change of that entity can fix the entire problem - then they put it on their resume.

I'm not going to argue with a conservative who calls himself a leftist and doesn't even realize what's wrong with the shit he's spewing.

You win, I guess.

You lose the debate, but won the rap battle.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 26, 2015, 03:57:49 am
Grantrithor you know what i mean when i say Social Justice
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Walko on June 26, 2015, 06:21:23 am
Because i understand the concept of egalitarianism in that are people are to be treated equal in the eyes of the law. I look at data and observable fact instead of "feelings" and make conclusions based on the evidence presented before me. Unlike you who buys into the "women are oppressed! we need change!" section of people when in actuality there are sections of the law in which women have the upper hand, specifically marriage and child care, which are not major issues but worth noting. To be a liberal, you do not have to be a feminist, at best you need to be an egalitarian but even that is not always true.

Your problem nipple is that you do not understand liberalism.

Btw, when have i ever said i was a liberal? I'm a socialist, democratic socialist to be specific.

Jeus christ. You realize that fights for feminism extend outside of the first world? There is plenty of awful/unfair treatment of women in the world still. And besides that, disregarding the fact that western culture is historically patriarchal and pretty misogynistic and deprecating of women is pretty dumb, I'm not saying it isn't getting better, and it isn't much greater than it is before, but we are still breaking free of this, and there are still definitely signs of this. IF you were to actually take the time to talk to an actual woman about these issues instead of cherry picking radical feminist bullshit on the internet and then making your own radical claims based off that you might have a different viewpoint.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Windflower on June 26, 2015, 06:24:57 am
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Walko on June 26, 2015, 06:29:45 am

I barely even had to look to find something like this as well. The problems really aren't direct as "You are woman so you can't do this" It's rather how women are treated because of our perception of women. For example female scientists just seen as a distraction rather than people trying to accomplish scientific goals like the men are.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Gluk the Walrus on June 26, 2015, 07:00:42 am
walko... when i talk about feminism, i am talking about feminism in the first world. That does not mean that i do not acknowledge feminism outside the first world but i live in the first world so it directly effects me. To the feminists who fight for egalitarianism, i applaud you. To the rather large amount of first world feminists who spout "patriarchy!" on the internet...fuck off...

Btw, tim hunt was JOKING! It was somewhat of a tasteless joke, i know but the man had his entire life ruined because of this. Do you deserve to have your entire life ruined because of one dumb comment you made?
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Archduke Sven on June 26, 2015, 09:26:08 am
Because i understand the concept of egalitarianism in that are people are to be treated equal in the eyes of the law. I look at data and observable fact instead of "feelings" and make conclusions based on the evidence presented before me. Unlike you who buys into the "women are oppressed! we need change!" section of people when in actuality there are sections of the law in which women have the upper hand, specifically marriage and child care, which are not major issues but worth noting. To be a liberal, you do not have to be a feminist, at best you need to be an egalitarian but even that is not always true.

Your problem nipple is that you do not understand liberalism.

Btw, when have i ever said i was a liberal? I'm a socialist, democratic socialist to be specific.

Jeus christ. You realize that fights for feminism extend outside of the first world? There is plenty of awful/unfair treatment of women in the world still. And besides that, disregarding the fact that western culture is historically patriarchal and pretty misogynistic and deprecating of women is pretty dumb, I'm not saying it isn't getting better, and it isn't much greater than it is before, but we are still breaking free of this, and there are still definitely signs of this. IF you were to actually take the time to talk to an actual woman about these issues instead of cherry picking radical feminist bullshit on the internet and then making your own radical claims based off that you might have a different viewpoint.

Ok, but saying that western society is misogynistic is actually full blown retarded. That implies that you hate women, none of the general adult male population hate women for the sake of their gender. If that was actually the case we would not have a society because the women would be outcasts and would only be tools of breeding. This is quite literally not the case as you can see yourself if you step outside your house and notice that we do not have separate colonies for males and females.

Other than pay equality, i think that most of the fight for feminism in western europe is really stupid.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nipplestockings on June 26, 2015, 09:34:31 am
What about cultural equality? Social equality? Don't you think those are good things to work for? If you talked to any given number of women they'd probably tell you that those are things they feel are important. It's not really our place to tell women that feminism is stupid, as irritating as it may be to us. We enjoy so much fucking power and privilege (yeah yeah) in our society that I don't think any of the complaints MRAs have against feminism hold much of any weight. They're just stupid shit like "Bahhh this dumb bitch on tumblr said all men should be killed. I hate feminists now!". If you actually read about the 3rd wave of feminism you may see that it's really not so unreasonable.

The vast majority of societal changes being worked for would result in a happier and easier existence for the vast majority of women, and a completely nonexistent change in quality of life for males. Anyone who thinks that feminists want to destroy male the lives of males is retarded. In reality, the only reason a male would oppose 3rd wave feminism is if he was sexist. This is not to say that everyone who opposes feminism is sexist, but that the vast majority of MRA's and opponents of the movement do not really understand it. If everyone actually took the time to research 3rd wave feminism and the rationale behind the movement, the MRA movement would most likely disappear.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Archduke Sven on June 26, 2015, 10:09:12 am
Maybe you would feel to enlighten me then because i haven't bothered looking into feminism for the past few months.

What is a cultural or social inequality that only women face?

For me feminism isn't stupid because i think it will affect my life, my main problem with it is the lack of understanding that men and women are not the same. Our brains work differently, men are better at certain aspects while women are better at others. I don't have a problem with feminism, i think it's good that a group of people are working towards improving their lives, but i feel that the feminism i have been exposed to is disregarding history, recent changes in male-female social relations and human physiology. It doesn't help either that there are feminists blaming men for social problems that occured as a result of human nature.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Akko on June 26, 2015, 12:35:15 pm
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Turin Turambar on June 26, 2015, 12:53:34 pm
Nipple, I don't need to do a lot of research about 3rd wave feminism, I can see what they do / are trying to do every day. There is no deeper meaning behind their actions, they are just so fucking retarded that it really hurts.

But that's probably just the misogynistic sexist racist inside me.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Tharan on June 26, 2015, 02:18:58 pm
When people think the world will ever be equal lol

Thats like people who campaign for the UK parliament to be 50% of each gender and made up equal number of minorities.
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: junedragon on June 26, 2015, 02:33:31 pm
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Akko on June 26, 2015, 02:44:36 pm
When people think the world will ever be equal lol

Thats like people who campaign for the UK parliament to be 50% of each gender and made up equal number of minorities.

Equality iz ghey
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Nick Lazanis on June 26, 2015, 04:07:07 pm
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: TheRedRedcoat on June 26, 2015, 05:03:30 pm
You should just read books in general because they're good for you. From what you're saying it seems like you don't read much of anything at all, besides shitty teen fantasy novels maybe.

It seems like your opinions are based on a heavily calculated balance between being as radical as possible while still staying within those socially acceptable political boundaries that won't get you cursed out or lynched. Essentially you just look like an edgy child who wants to say profound shit in history class to look cool.

+ fucking 1
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Akko on July 01, 2015, 08:02:25 am
Title: Re: Social Justice Thread
Post by: Batraan on July 01, 2015, 08:13:25 am

This reminds me of Blackadder.