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Topics - 1stNOG_IDF

Pages: 1 2
Off Topic / Most influental discovery/invention to history?
« on: October 29, 2015, 01:42:17 pm »
Whether negative or positive to historical turnout, what do you think?

Pick one.

I'm going with gunpowder, which I believe had the largest impact to humans on Earth.

Regiments / Nr.37 Eurofag Brigade ~ Best Thread 2k15 amirite?
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:17:41 am »

Being the only Euro-Israeli zoned member of the newly revived Nr.37, I'm obliged and happy to introduce, partnered with the NA Nr.37, the EU side of the regiment.

Blah blah blah history and all that..

*Presses calling all NOGs button*

Although we are the same regiment, my rules differ significantly.

1) You don't have to show up to events.
2) Absolutely no PTS. It's stupid.
3) All recruits have chances to lead. Good or bad, it's part of the game and everyone should experience it regardless of skill level.
4) All must convert to Judaism
5) Accept that the regiment will be filled with all the old NOG NA's because Nr.37 doesn't want cancer. NA is master race.

I guess we're infantry or something.

As much as I want to be a serious leader like I was with the 1stNOG (lol), I still have the military to juggle with, so my time is always limited and gaming is a second priority.


I'm glad to be back in the community and I thank Waste and his cancers for this opportunity. It'll be just like the good ol' days.

I'll make an actual thread when I'm not too lazy.

I know I'm sexy and everything but please calm down

Do I have to spoiler that? Maybe I have to spoiler it. I should probably spoiler it. Nah I'm not gonna too lay-Z


As the title hints, the 1stNOG is reforming due to a large majority vote. Due to the fact I'm no longer an NA, the regiment will be adminstrated by a select few I've picked for this...difficult task.

The 1stNOG was created on January 9th as a breakoff from the Nr.14. We as a small group had the intentions of staying as a small group. However, time passed and we found ourselves recruiting far more than we had expected. We began mass recruiting and hit about 25 by day THREE. Our regiment was becoming a huge success in NW. I was notified of a recent mass-expulsion from the Nr.14 due to inactivity, and I took the initiative. I recruited anyone that got expelled, and to my surprise, they all came back to activity (partly due to more leniant leadership).

Weeks and months passed. Together with the help of my team, we became one of the largest North American regiments, if not the largest, of 2013. That was not including our sub-regiments that had 'merged'.

By the end of the year, I was bound to move to Israel, and I could not be with my regiment any longer. I had originally had the idea to transfer the regiment to another leader, and after that unnsuccessful attempt, let the regiment settle itself without my intervention. It disbanded a month and a half later.

I find myself with the time and the motivation to continue the 1stNOG and what it formerly was. There will be large changes, and I hope the NW community embraces our horde with open arms.

About us
Everybody is well aware the NOG is an incredibly unserious and laidback regiment. We do not train. We do not use PTS. We do not dedicate ourselves to M&B. Lastly, we do not require members to show up to events if they don't want to. Our mission is to be a community, as we always have, even in disbandment. The individual will always find friends in the NOG teamspeak and steam community, and it's easy to get settled in with. We try our absolute best that every gamer has an amazing time and that he or she remembers us for what we were and are today, a group of close friends.

My Personal Favorite



Ranks (created by Uhtred):

  • Overlord
  • Waifu
  • Kawaii
  • Swaglord
  • Pillowhumper
  • Pleasureboy
  • Meatshield

[To Be Mass Updated]

We do not care how old you are. We do not care about what you sound like. We do not care about what country you're from.

Steam name:
Previous regimental history:
Activity level:
What do you hope to find here?:
Preferred unit:
Do you use Teamspeak?:

The Mess Hall / Avatar: The Last Airbender
« on: April 07, 2014, 06:14:17 pm »
Hah! Beat Invisible to it!


Because General Iroh is the best and makes the finest tea in Ba Sing Se

« on: October 05, 2013, 10:55:29 am »

Regiments / ✡1st Anconian Legion✡ *UPDATED THREAD*
« on: September 23, 2013, 10:06:25 pm »

About Us


When Napoleon and his army entered Ancona, the Jewish community was living in a small ghetto. Napoleon, at that time, remarked that certain people were walking around with yellow bonnets and a yellow arm band with the "Star of David" on it. He asked one of his officers, what was the purpose of the yellow bonnet and the arm band. The officer replied that these were Jews who had to be identified in order that they return to the ghetto every evening. Napoleon immediately ordered that the arm bands and the yellow bonnets be removed and replaced them with the tricolor rosette. He closed the ghettos and gave instructions that the Jews could live wherever they wanted and they could practice their religion openly. The Jews of Ancona were overjoyed when they discovered that the first French soldiers who entered the ghetto were Jewish!


In the legion we have two detachments that you may choose to join. We have our hussar detachment who specials in killing cowardly skirmishers and artillery men.
And we have our furious line infantry men who bashes trough the enemy lines like they where made our of plywood.

Our detachments also have there own cool skins!
Hussars (Re-skinned Black/Gold trim)
Linemen (Re-skinned blue and white with gold trim)

How to Join

If you'd like to join our amazing regiment then please fill in the application below and post it on this thread or contact IDF on steam.
Steam name:
Previous Experience:
How Active can you be?: (1-10)

One of our Overlord's rankers.

Screenshot of our glorious regiment.

Off Topic / New Regiment Name Contest
« on: September 23, 2013, 09:02:20 pm »
Locking right after I decide:P

As I've decided to let the NOG die honorably, I need

*drum roll please*

A new regiment name to use when I make it!

Can be silly or serious, GO!

Off Topic / Favorite beer?
« on: September 23, 2013, 06:21:25 pm »
Tuborg - Red


Can I rant too? :(

Why won't you love me?
Why won't you pay me?
Why can't I have a sexy British accent?
Why aren't bananas a more popular fruit?
Why won't the admins auto-lock this thread?
Why can't aliens contact me already?
Why is my wallet phat?
European or Gay?

Why won't more people like this music?


Regiments / The Renegade Army - Now Accepting Applications
« on: June 04, 2013, 09:57:20 am »
We're getting ready to take over the world. My group of girlfriends - we're renegades. - Lisa Bonet

What is the Renegade Army?

The Renegade Army is a finely selected group of regiments whose goal it is to reach near-perfection in Napoleonic Wars through the use of community, teamwork, strategy, and overall ability founded by the 12th East Suffolk and the 1stNOG. We are equipped with more than satisfactory equipment, ability, and resources to achieve this goal. We pride ourselves in a close knit community, surrounded by a friendly environment that is eager to greet new regiments that pass the sponsorship program, which will be explained below.

What makes the Renegade Army Unique?

Unlike other armies, we have solved the issues revolving around the uniform crisis!

In all seriousness, the Renegade Army is the first of its kind, because we're looking at the long-term possibilities, rather than the ones near ahead. Firstly, we do not accept any regiment that cares to join. It doesn't quite work that way.

There are only TWO ways of being accepted, which is called being sponsored. Both methods and systems are performed by the two founding regiments, the 1stNOG and the 12th.
Tico's/12th's  Method
"Basically, if you're known generally to be decent guys, you've got a chance. If you've got a good set of players along with good leadership as well, you've got a good chance. If we feel you have the base for these two and have potential to improve, to evolve, to get better however you can, you're pretty much guaranteed to be favored by the 12th and receive our affection and a sponsorship from us! We also require at least one non-official Linebattle to test skill."

IDF/1stNOG's Method
The 1stNOG requires the applicant regiment either a)Defeat or fight well in a linebattle against the NOG WITH NO NUMBER RESTRICTIONS, or b) prove to be a regiment with potential to be a successful, beneficial, and friendly addition to our already stunning community.

Without these two methods complete or approved, chances of joining are little to none. When or IF accepted, you will be sponsored by the regiment you chose the path of. Without a sponsorship, no admission is given.

What are the benefits?

  • Access to more than 11 servers
  • Access to the TeamSpeak (Given)
  • Automatic acceptance to army hosted events.
  • A confident and friendly community where you may grow your regiment, guaranteed.
  • Access to communities in unrelated games, such as Minecraft and Total War.

Current Sponsored or Partner Regiments

Partner Regiments
1stNOG (Napoleon's Old Guard)
12th East Suffolk

Sponsored Regiments

1stNOG Sub-Regiments
2nd Reich
67th Rifles
2nd French Guard Co.
2nd Silesian Regiment
Garde D'Marine Francais
8th French Marine Cor.

If you wish to contact us or set up a sponsorship test, contact one of the following:


From The Makers Of:

Those damn Russians! They never seem to be happy with what they have  >:( They moan and whine about not having enough, but look at them, they practically control the world icecube economy! Rumor has it that the partisans have created a massive army armed to the teeth with snowcones and bear cavalry. They plan to invade and conquer all of Europe, but wait, there's one last hope! Faced against them are the last remaining few who dare fight off this massive force, which is a force so massive, it shakes the very ground you walk upon.
General Piggy took the initiative and prepared their defenses.

Piggy knew his forces could hold off the seemingly unstoppable horde, but they needed the correct defenses for the job! Later that night, Piggy watched Lord of the Rings and gained almost instant inspiration. The fort would begin to be designed as Helms Deep.

If the defenses were to fall, General Piggy and his remaining men would be forced to flee to the coast, where they would fight their last stand in an abandoned manor (armed to the teeth with cannons)!

General Piggy




Rules For Partisans:
To avoid mayhem, I WILL be allowing Militia.
No Cavalry. Attempting to troll will be an automatic slay the first time, and a ban the second.
Artillery is allowed if approved in the application.
Guns are allowed, and so is picking up dropped bayonets.
Do not begin running at the fort until you have at least a group of 3 or more.

Rules for soldiers (Standard Siege):
FOL is allowed.
Try your absolute best to stay as a regiment.
Do not leave the fort with less than 8 men or women.
Artillery is permitted.
Sappers are not permitted.

General Information:

Server: 1stNOG_Public
Host: Markmods
Slots: 200
Password: Will be given to each individual leader by me 15 minutes prior.
Days: Saturdays
Time: 8pm EST

Sign Up Form:

Full Regiment Name:
Leader's Steam:
How many?:
Requested side:
Would you like artillery?:
What's the 4th rule of the Partisan side?:

Contact me:

My Steam: [1stNOG]General Jerusalem

Off Topic / What Grinds Your Gears?
« on: May 28, 2013, 01:06:35 pm »
Lettuce with little brown spots on it.

Having less than 30 regiment members attend a LB

Stubbing my pinky toe

Running out of coffee

The internet going out

Girlfriend telling you that you are bad at leading your own line (jerk)

Humid weather

OJ Simpson

1stNOG in a Linebattle

The opinion of new officers I promote:


Hello everyone!

Due to popular request, the NOG will begin hosting Saturday Zombie Events. It's similar to "infection", so allow me to explain the rules and objective:)

The game begins with any given nation versus Partisans (Russia). The first requested regiment will get to be the zombies (The partisans). In a regimental style (Lines, etc.), the regiments will avoid being killed by the partisan horde. Take note, crouching is allowed.

◘If a partisan kills a soldier, the soldier will switch to Russia and begin fighting as a zombie partisan.◘

Zombies MAY use default guns, but are NOT allowed to pick up muskets.

Team kills do not count as deaths.

Zombies are a horde, not a regiment. Formations are obsolete.

Server: 1stNOG_Public
Time: 6pm EST
Day: Saturdays
Contact me: [1stNOG]General Jerusalem


Cavalry- Not Permitted

Lineman - Permitted

Rifleman - Permitted

Light Infantry - Permitted

Artillery - Permitted

Taking shelter in buildings IS permitted.

Crouching behind objects IS permitted.

○Rambo-ing is not allowed.
○FOL is not allowed. If you are separated, attempt to glory charge or find a nearby regiment.

2-3 Admins will be present:)

Sign up:

Name of Regiment:
How many:
Requested side:
Requested Nation:
Requested Unit:
Do you understand the rules?:

Regiments attending:
15th Vistula
MadFast's Pubs
Royal Grey Scots

Off Topic / Melee - Real Life Connection? Aliens
« on: May 11, 2013, 08:52:00 pm »
[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: Yay it's regiment beach day!

[12th] Tico: Lmao

[12th] Tico: Thats kind of weird aint it?

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: Not at all. Most NOG's know eachother and live in the area. We're going out to at around 11pm ^_^

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: Keeps the regiment together:P

[12th] Tico: How did y'all know each other?

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: We all got the game at the same time as friends.

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: When I was the main recruiter for Nr.14 I got them to buy it

[12th] Tico: Dang

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: Check where your regiment peeps live. You'd be surprised.

[12th] Tico: I know where they mostly live lol

[12th] Tico: I think the closest one to us lives in like Central Florida near Disney

[12th] Tico: They

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: (If you tell me Britain, I'll slaughter them)

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: ahD:

[12th] Tico: For some reason most of my guys are like midwest and shit

[12th] Tico: For some reason

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: Midwest = Better melee?XD

[12th] Tico: Perhaps xD

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: Our mest melee's are in fucking Kansas.

[12th] Tico: But that doesnt explain me...

[12th] Tico: lol

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: Holy shit. It must be why.

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: The fucking farmers know how to stab things like hay and prod cows! That's why they're better!

[12th] Tico: Lmao

[1stNOG]General Jerusalem: *Dramatic gasp*

[12th] Tico: You've come across a great sceintific discovery


I thought this would be an interesting an humorous discussion to bring to the forums! Tell me, where are your best meleers located, and do you think there is a connection? I think aliens might be involved, but that's just me. Maybe the government secretly wants the Midwest and Central America to destroy the gaming world so kids could be more focused on school, or even farming. I think Jimmy Carter might be behind this.

Flame on! <3

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