Author Topic: [FR] Wise's Legion - Army of the Kanawha(22nd/36th/60th VA inf, 8th cav, K.Art)  (Read 8462 times)

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Offline Jaguar

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As a french team with a lot of gamers interested in History as reenactors, hobbyists, students and teachers, we play in many games as a RP team who is focused on the historical point of view, even if the game is not strictly historical : our main structures play on M&B NW, M&B Bannerlord (Medieval), War of Rights (XIXth) but we also play on many others games. Our practise is RP, but we are flexible if the way of playing according to History is unconfortable.

The Wise's Legion is made of several communities from different games, with :
- La Vieille Garde on NW ( and Le Royaume de Bretonnie on Bannerlord (
- Le 17e léger on NW (
- 10th Louisiana on WoR ( )
- Others friends from other units from others communities

Each regiment from the other games will have his own regiment, such as :
- 22nd VA Infantry with le 1er régiment de grenadiers à pied de la Garde on NW and Kingdom of Bretonnie on Bannerlord
- 36th VA Infantry with le 17e léger on NW
- 60th VA Infantry with 10th Louisiana on WOR
- 8th VA Cavalry (from the 3 units)
- Kanawha Artillery (ibidem).

Organized in the Kanawha Valley in May 1861 by Brigadier General Henry A. Wise (former Virginia Governor 1855-1860, U.S. Congressmen 1832-1844), the Wise Legion (a.k.a. Wise's Brigade or Army of the Kanawha) comprised of 5 regiments, which later was commissioned into Confederate service as the 22nd Virginia Infantry, 36th Virginia Infantry, 46th Virginia Infantry, 50th Virginia Infantry, 59th Virginia Infantry, 60th Virginia Infantry, 8th Virginia Cavalry, 10th Virginia Cavalry, Hale's Battery, & the Kanawha Artillery.

Service :
- Battle of Carnifex Ferry (sept 10, 1861)
- Battle of Roanoke Island (feb 7-8, 1862)
- Seven Days Battles (june 25-july 1, 1862)
- First Battle of Petersburg (june 9, 1864)
- Second Battle of Petersburg (june 15-18, 1865)

Legion's structure

General Staff

- Cpt Henry A. Wise

22nd VA Infantry

- 2Lt George S. Patton

- SGM Chandler (KIA)
- OrdSgt Lawrence Chase
- Sgt Joe Raino
- Sgt Robert Gunn
- Cpl C. Davies
- Cpl Philipp White

- Vol Jack Young
- Vol Trebor Coleman
- Vol Mulcahy
- Vol Walter Klein
- Vol John Smith
- Vol Martin*
- Vol Alan Black
- Vol Lazare Colomas
- Vol Wayne Moore
- Vol Richard Chapple
- Vol John Eagle
- Vol Turner
- Vol Groover Wallace
- Vol Cauchois*
- Vol Jackson Pike
- Vol James Cooper
- Vol William Bonaparte
- Vol Bryan Baker

- Vol Aymerald*
- Vol Angus Benhard
- Vol Baptiste*
- Vol Coignet
- Vol Gabriel
- Vol Hercules*
- Vol Thierry*
- Vol Floral*
- Vol Leprince*
- Vol Paul*
- Vol Skydroze*
- Vol Talion*

- Vol Zac Miller (desertion)


36th VA infantry

- 2Lt Matt Lewis

- Sgt George Smith
- Cpl William Smith
- Cpl Fox*

- Vol Maxim*
- Vol Samuel Gates
- Vol Matt Reiss
- Vol Jean Robert
- Vol John McCausland
- Vol Andrew Smith
- Vol Jubal Sorell
- Vol Gregg Hartmann
- Vol Lolo*
- Vol J. Holingfield
- Vol Jonathan Patton
- Vol Howie McIntosh

- Vol Gibs Smith*
- Vol Philip Belgium*
- Vol Harold*
- Vol Hugh Bibiche*
- Vol Reginwald*

- Rsv Mobz

- Vol Rhamerok* (KIA)


60th VA Infantry

- 2Lt Scott Anderson

- Cpl G. F. Andrew
- Cpl McArdles (desertion)

- Vol Nathanel Bacon
- Vol Ernst Grossman
- Vol W. Dalton
- Vol Will Walter
- Vol John Lane
- Vol T. J. Warner
- Vol J. Loeven
- Vol Pitt Kellermann
- Vol Famas*
- Vol DocBurner*
- Vol Josiah Davis
- Vol Keegan P. Russ
- Vol Tyran*
- Vol J. Arthur
- Vol Sanma*
- Vol J. William
- Vol W.J. Forbin

- Vol Alex Denebourg*
- Vol Welsh
- Vol Freddy Bee
- Vol Ioritz*
- Vol Patoch*
- Vol Ragna*
- Vol Wotan*
- Vol Limozi*
- Vol Smock*

- Vol Gairfounkeul*
- Vol Davis Wilson


8th VA Cavalry

- Vol Dawnson Gearheart

- Sushi40
- Ronin

Kanawha Artillery

- 2Lt John P. Hale

- Sgt M. Ardan

 -Pvt Tom
- Pvt U. Murphy
- Vol Blue Marston
- Vol Billy
- Vol Richard
- Vol J. Jack
- Vol Peter Burke
- Vol H. Costins
- Vol Tim

- Pvt Vaskos*
- Vol Jean Moulin* (desertion)

- Rsv Poelaert


Legion strength : 5 officiers and 82 enlisted



Captain Henry A. Wise

22nd VA Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Georges S. Patton

36th VA Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Matt Lewis

60th VA Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Scott Anderson

Kanawha Artillery

2nd Lieutenant John P. Hale

« Last Edit: April 11, 2022, 03:49:03 pm by Jaguar »
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Offline Jaguar

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Re: Wise's Legion - Army of the Kanawha [EU]
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2019, 07:06:56 pm »
« Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 04:11:12 am by Jaguar »
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Offline Jaguar

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Re: Wise's Legion - Army of the Kanawha [EU]
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2019, 05:56:27 pm »
RP Moments for the Wise's Legion

08.02.22 : The war has broken out so Henry A. Wise has decided to raise troops : about 40 recruits has joined the new unit.
21.02.22 : The first units from the Legion were deployed to slow down federal troops.
22.02.22-28.02.22 : several small fights and first losses for the legion ; 1 desertion, 3 KIA
« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 11:54:52 pm by Jaguar »
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Offline Romulus76

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Re: Wise's Legion - Army of the Kanawha [EU]
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2019, 06:45:46 pm »
Best of luck  :-*

Offline Lee

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Best of luck.

Offline Jaguar

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Hello guys,

If you're french speaking, if you like historical RP, the Wise's Legion will welcome you  ;-)

We are organizing the unit, so don't hesitate to join us, and send me a mp ;-)
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Good Luck!

Offline Zanderthegreat

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Good luck mate!

Offline Jaguar

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Thank you everyone. Sorry, I have deleted some post because I hadn't let some "reserve post" to fill them later...  :-[ ;D

The Wise's Legion is still active with french players from several communities, but we don't "speak too much" on this forum, we prefer waiting the release of the game to make the list of our players. Thank you  ;)

« Last Edit: January 20, 2022, 06:40:49 pm by Jaguar »
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Offline Jaguar

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Update with the leaders of the units, the players' list will be shown as the game would release, to keep a "RP spirit".  ;)
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Offline Jaguar

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Well, it's complicated to organize a thread with all the [] [/]....  :-[
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Offline Jaguar

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Offline Jaguar

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Welcome to 2nd Maryland artillery who become Kanawha "Maryland" Artillery  ;)
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Offline Jaguar

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Update with the numbers of recruits and discord added
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Offline Jaguar

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Update with new recruits  ;)

Huzzaaaah for the South !
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